I have an ASL app that seems to be having issues with remembering that it already has videos downloaded. Their support is pointing the blame on CCleaner yet I haven't run CCleaner after the last time I downloaded their videos. I was under the impression that CCleaner only cleaned when I ran the app and then told it to clean after the analyzing. Does CCleaner run in the background and do automated cleaning? I guessing no as I have not set it to do so but I need a clear answer before I hit their support as this is the third time their app has done this, which is why I haven't ran CCleaner since re-downloading.
Will check and see if I have it turned on to run in the background as well just in case.
Checked but couldn't find an option to turn on or off to have it run in the background. Also didn't notice before that it tells me the date of my last cleaning which was way back on August 27.