
what programs you guys use when watching videos...? this include watching video cd (*.dat files)...? anything better than windows media player...?

what programs you guys use when watching videos...? this include watching video cd (*.dat files)...? anything better than windows media player...?

I generally use WMP 9, DivX Player, or Winamp's Video Player.

For video I just use Windows Media Player, since I'm not really into watching stuff on my PC, let alone editing it. I still prefer setting in my recliner in my AV room for video watching, and when need be can do some nice editing with my equipment -- mostly to remove those damned commercials.

anything better than windows media player...?

Yes, anything is.

I use WMP 10 almost 99% of the time... otherwise I use VideoLAN client (VLC - to play things WMP 10 crashes on (i.e., bad rips).

thanks guys... MORE recommendation PLS!

why not quick time?

Quicktime sucks

Quicktime sucks

I like it, it streams faster than wmp and it has a much higher video quality.

I like it, it streams faster than wmp and it has a much higher video quality.

Loving Quicktime is like loving fat women. It's all about the bloat.

Cyberlink PowerDVD is about the only player that I have found that will play those DivX movies that are in wierd formats. Convert them with Divx to DVD (and a few other in/out formats), and Cyberlink will play the file.

Loving Quicktime is like loving fat women. It's all about the bloat.


Ok, but what is wrong with it? Does it install malware or something, or waste a lot of space? I've been using it for a long time and have had no problems with it. Its deffinately better than realplayer and wmp. For music I usually use winamp or recently quintissential player.

btw, does anyone here use winamps stream ripper add on? I love it, I let it run all night and wake up with at least 50-60 good songs.

I hate watching videos in winamp. Winamp for music, and WMP10 for videos. I don't watch very many videos anyway


Ok, but what is wrong with it? Does it install malware or something, or waste a lot of space? I've been using it for a long time and have had no problems with it. Its deffinately better than realplayer and wmp. For music I usually use winamp or recently quintissential player.

btw, does anyone here use winamps stream ripper add on? I love it, I let it run all night and wake up with at least 50-60 good songs.

Quicktime is bloated. Quicktime Alternative is not.

Quicktime is bloated. Quicktime Alternative is not.

Ok, so where can I get quicktime alternative and what is less bloated about it? Plus untill I get rid of that stupid error 1606 I probably cant install it anyway.

Quicktime sucks

i agree...

Ok, so where can I get quicktime alternative and what is less bloated about it? Plus untill I get rid of that stupid error 1606 I probably cant install it anyway.

Search these forums for Quicktime Alternative. I suggest it a lot with HijackThis logs.

Quicktime is bloated. Quicktime Alternative is not.

Concurr, (DjLizard correct my spellin , pleese) If you are going to use Quicktime ,use Quicktime Alternative....Although I am not qualified to make recommendations because I don't use it much...... B)

Quicktime sucks

Concurr...(Dj correct my spellin pleese)..I like this word B)

BTW , I like your elequence :lol:

Although I am not qualified to make recommendations because I don't use it much...... B)

I don't use it much either, though I know it's better and less bloated because I have an excellent teacher.

Concurr...(Dj correct my spellin pleese)..I like this word B)

BTW , I like your elequence :lol:

I believe you mean concur. Also, wouldn't it be eloquence?

You're not DjLizard. :P