hi.i have just downloaded a paid copy of Recuver.I want to recover my Daughter's wedding video footage from 2014.I up graded my p c to windows 10 about two years ago online.will I still be able to recover the video from the hard drive? Thanks in anticipation for any help.
when was the file deleted?
Hi must have been when I up graded, but not really sure.
Do you have a Windows.old? M/S says it is auto-deleted 10 days after the upgrade, but there are plenty of how to delete articles so perhaps it's more persistent than that. Anyway, do you? If not then the chances of recovery are very slim, in my opinion.
23 hours ago, Alun said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> Hi must have been when I up graded, but not really sure. </p> </div>
if you think the file was deleted two years ago, then I will go one step further than Augeas and say you have no chance at all.
that's two years of updates, usage, gaming, installing new software and hardware, different users, system maintenance, defrags, etc.
and any one of those activities reduces the recovery chances, times that by two years and you have no hope.
would that video not be some where else, like her PC or someone else's, or sent as an email around the time it was taken?
After two years the chances are slim, but it depends on how much overwriting may have happened in that time - size of the video file(s), how much other stuff has been written to that hard drive during that time and how much free hard drive space you have had.
Be sure to run Recuva as a Deep Scan