Video Capture Editing Software

I capture a lot of free to air TV programs, movies etc. then edit with TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress with reasonable success. TMPGEnc then converts the edited MPG capture to AVI file format (DIVX encoded) for replay via networked MG35 to my 16:9 LCD TV located in the loungeroom.

Other than VideoStudio Ver 9.0 which I have stopped using can anybody suggest an alternative to TMPGEnc that you have used and would recommend. :D

I personally use After Effects for editing, VirtualDub & Akme FFmpeg for converting.

Hi Tasgandy. I'm not sure if we're talking apples-to-apples here, but I have been using Streamtransport to capture Hulu and Megavideo videos. Then I use XmediaRecode (portable version) to do some minor editing and conversion to AVI format.

I personally use After Effects for editing, VirtualDub & Akme FFmpeg for converting.

ident many thanks for the suggestion, I shall now go and have a look at Adobe After Effects as it is Video editing SW that I am looking for instead of continue use of TMPGEnc.

cc1 thank you for your suggestions, however my capture SW is OK as the Winfast TV capture card comes with it's own SW for capturing in MPG or TS file formats and it also handles HDTV captures (ships with a AC3 codec). However I shall have a look at XmediaRecode as it may be an alternative to TMPGEnc for editing. :)