Very large files

I deleted a very large file (26GB image) that I instantly realized was a mistake. Windows said it was too large for the recycle bin and so I couldn't undelete it. I tried recuva, but it doesn't see the file. It finds tons of other files, including other large files (3-4 GB). Nothing else has been done to the drive since I deleted. Is there any way to get the file back?



You could do a Recuva normal scan and then sort in size order to see if you can find it under another name. Any recovery of course must be to another drive or partition.

It's probably that the entry for the file in the MFT has gone. You could run Recuva in deep scan mode, which will take much longer, and then sort by filename or size.

The big problem is that the file is huge, and the likleyhood of some part of it being overwritten is probably huge too, so a recovery might not be successful. The daily Windows restore point could pinch some space, as could a/v auto-updates, and the prefetch file if you've just downloaded Recuva, and Recuva itself, and various logs etc that I can't think of and don't know about. You could disable sys restore and disconnect from the internet to minimise this risk. Just do as little as possible on this drive.

I don't think your chances of recovery are good, but give it a go.

26GB image [.....] Nothing else has been done to the drive since I deleted

I was hoping maybe it was on a different partition to the system one ... improves the chances a lot!!

The file was on an external drive and nothing else was done to the drive after the delete, but so far no luck. I tried several other undelete programs. Several saw it, all but one said it was a 0KB file though. The one that did see the correct size wouldn't restore it either. Looks like I'm going to have to recreate. It was worth a shot though.


The file was on an external drive and nothing else was done to the drive after the delete, but so far no luck. I tried several other undelete programs. Several saw it, all but one said it was a 0KB file though. The one that did see the correct size wouldn't restore it either. Looks like I'm going to have to recreate. It was worth a shot though.


Would you please let me know which one software shows the correct size?