Very bad Spanish translation

Hello. I've just registered because I sent a message to Piriform and they sent me an automatic mail saying that I had to register this forums to solve the problem I've noticed when using Recuva. The Spanish translation is really awful because there are too many, and too heavy, linguistical mistakes. I could correct them all if you tell me what I need. I know that if you don't know a language it's difficult to see if a translation is good or bad, but I think that is not impossible. Anyway, I'm telling you now... Regards.

Hola Linguist and welcome to the forums.

If you wish to lend your support by helping correct translations in espa?ol click on Piriform Community Forums \ The moderating team and pm an administrator. :)

Thank you for the reply. I can't find the moderating team section... Regards.

Thank you for the reply. I can't find the moderating team section... Regards.

On the Forums page: On the lower area of the page just below The Lounge section and above 000 active user(s) (in the past 15 minutes) you will see the links

Today's active content ? The moderating team ? Today's top 20 posters ? Overall top posters

You can contact an administrator HERE


Wow, thank you! I can see it now, and thanks for the direct link. Regards.

There is no response from admins...

There is no response from admins...

Wait some time, they may be fixing it for the next release and/or might be waiting for whoever is the official Spanish Translator :)

OK. Thank you for the reply. :)

I've already sent 3 private messages and there's no answer. I can't do more. Regards.

Can any other native Spanish speakers confirm that the translation needs improving?

OMG, so the problem is that you don't trust me? Amazing... There are SEVERE mistakes in the Spanish translation, what's so unbelievable? Even if you don't know nothing of Spanish, you should see some of them... They are really important. Anyway, if can help, I can say I've corrected and even done all by myself a lot of software translations (if you want some names, ask me). By the way, I'm getting tired of all of this, so I may be not wanting to help this project anymore very soon. ;) Regards.

What are the exact mistakes? in which dialect of spanish are you speaking? as well, a question for MrRon in which dialect is Piriform translated using.

I don't usually install the languages for piriform products so I hadn't checked until today. Both myself, and a coworker who hails from Mexico and is our office's main Spanish translator, looked over as much of the translation as we could find and discovered nothing that stuck out to us.

That said there maybe something we are not seeing so, again, I would need to know what exactly to look for, which the original poster has not told us.

The worst linguistics (I mean, HEAVY mistakes) are in the installer wizard, but I care more about the program itself (anyway, you should consider correcting the installer wizard linguistics...), even it has less mistakes (but all mistakes are important in their own way), you use it a lot more than the installer wizard.

Well, I'm telling you now some of that Recuva Spanish translation linguistical mistakes:

1. In Recuva Wizard: *CDs should be CD, or better, discos. In Spanish, initialisms (siglas) should not have pural, at least in writing.

2. In Recuva Wizard and some more locations: video is used, for some reason, in most Latin American regions, but in Spain is used ONLY v?deo, which is the etymological accent for that word. So, more than a mistake, it's an imprecise vocabulary (you should consider making two versions of the Spanish translation, just like almost all programs do, one for Spain Spanish and other for general American Spanish).

I am from Spain, so I use Spanish Spain, but I know a lot of ?general? linguistics and enough Latin American linguistical habits to see all the mistakes a text written in Spanish, whatever the dialect would be, can have.

Tell me if you need my help. If I don't need to know programming or install huge software I can correct your Recuva Spanish translation, and/or its installer wizard.


The translator espa?ol could very well be living over here because most Spanish speakers live in the Americas vs 9% in Spain.

Wiki has all the details -- maps, chart, etc.

I don't recall any other complaints in the past year concerning the translation.

For the one example you gave it seems that both are accepted spellings (below are translation site examples but both were commonly used in various spanish language programming sites, if you google each one you'd be suprised)

Current way

Your Suggested way

Though I do note your suggested way seems to be the more common spelling/usage.

Note the following is not officially sanctioned and, if asked to, I will remove the below text.

the best bet (if you cannot get a copy of the strings to translate from the admins) is to use ResHack and pull ther strings from the laguage file (I believe the spanish one is 1027. . . though I could be incorrect) and type out the correct spellings and submit them (in code tags please) to this thread

Traditional Spanish is 1034. All 19 Spanish codes are listed here.

Well, if you do not want your program translations to be corrected, they will not be corrected. I can't do more for you. No all developers take the same care of his creations... As we say in Spanish, no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver.

And to leave all clear:

1. OK, sobrescribir is the recommended form (see Real Academia Espa?ola). It's the simplified and recommended version, but double e is the logical form. Anyway, there's no problem with this.

2. Siglas, Real Academia Espa?ola

3. Of course there are many more Latin Americans than Spanish people, but that means something? If a billion thinks something wrong, it would be correct or true? Please...

Good bye. ;)

"The [spanish] language continues to adopt foreign words from a variety of other languages, as well as developing new words." -- Wikipedia

And please understand that all languages will adapt locally, so variations are acceptable.

My english is not good, so bear with me :P

After taking a quick look over the translation, I found a minor mistake: '?Como va ha ordenar los archivos que est? tratando de recuperar?'

It should be :'?Como va a ordenar los archivos que est? tratando de recuperar?'

The translation in general terms is acceptable, any spanish speaker should be able to understand it. The translation is not written in some American spanish dialect, trust me, American spanish dialects are not easy to understand :D


This would assume that there's a difference between the american version of spanish and the spanish version of spanish.