Me again. Upgraded yesterday to 2.28 and when I ran the reg clean function it found about six or seven items that the old program - 2.27 - did not find. I let the cleaner do its thing and all is fine with my system. However, one item kept coming back:
Missing MUI Reference @C:\ProgramData\PC-Doctor for Windows\startmenu\bundle.dll.mui,201 HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings \Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache
I decided to untick the MUI Cache selection box and run another scan. As I suspected, nothing came up. I ran my PC Doctor using the shortcut icon from my startmenu bar and performed a few basic diagnostic tests - wll went well.
I do not remember if 2.27 had this MUI Cache selection box ticked. IS IT AN IMPORTANT BOX TO HAVE TICKED? I know what MUI is (user interface), but do not exactly understand what a MUI Reference is. If it means there is no icon on the start menu bar, then I have found a glitch in the reg clean function, becasue there is an icon on the start menu bar, I use it once a month.
Well according to the last CCleaner update, version 2.28 has improved MUI cache cleaning, I think. That should explain why it can detect more issues than the earlier version. I think you should look at this.
I have been using and updating my CCleaner and Recuva software programs for about six months; I am very pleased with the programs and highly reccomend them and your company to anyone who asks - you have my loyalty. However, registry work is very touchy - especially for an intermediate user with a lot to learn! I have used the registry cleaning portion of the program numerous times without any problems, but when it recently reported back a missing MUI Reference that I did not understand on another program (PC-Doctor) that I use regularly I decided to check into it before hitting the fix button. I checked in with your forum (where I have learned much in the past), although this time I did not receive an answer that I was comfortable with. I have dug a little deeper and checked with the program mfg in question (PC-Doctor) and received the answer below. The way it shakes out, I have decided to leave the entries in the registry in the spirit of "If it works, don't fix it." At this time my system is working spot on.
I do not know if this issue is of any importance to your CCleaner team or to any of the many forum members you have. I do know that your team has obviously put in a great deal of intense labor to bring to market an excellent product, and your forum members have always been forthcoming with their time and knowledge. I felt compelled to respond by taking the time to share my insignificant gain/decision with you.
Best always,
Using CCleaner to check for register errors. When it checks MUI Cache it wants to delete PC-Doctor keys:
Missing MUI Reference @C:\ProgramData\PC-Doctor for Windows\startmenu\bundle.dll.mui,-201 HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache
Missing MUI Reference @C:\ProgramData\PC-Doctor for Windows\startmenu\bundle.dll.mui,-202 HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache
I do not want to delete any of your information from my register without checking with you first. I have an icon on my start menu for your software and use it monthly - so, as far as I can understand there is nothing missing and I feel that my register cleaning program may be giving me some false info. I will not act until I hear from you.
I.E. - I am asking you if the information on PC-Doctor above belongs in my register and should not be deleted?
Thank you for your time,
Since neither PC-Doctor nor HP can guarantee functionality of the
product or support changes such as are suggested in the email, I would suggest leaving the registry entries intact. If you have any additional questions please respond to this email.
I would not suggest you try and fix those PC Doctor related keys. You can try adding them in the ignore list. Just because CCleaner detects and is suggesting to fix those keys, that doesn't mean that CCleaner is aiming to make other programs ruined in case something goes wrong.
If fixing those keys will not greatly affect the performance of your PC, then there is little reason to fix it now that it has a certain risk that something might get wrong.