Venus and Jupiter In Evening Show

Should be worth a look. :)

Two bright planets are closing in for a spectacular conjunction with the Moon in the evening sky. Venus, which is steadily moving away from the Sun, meets Jupiter as it prepares to leave the night-time stage.

Both are brilliant objects, with Venus at magnitude -4 and Jupiter at magnitude -1.9, and visible soon after sunset in the south-west. If the sky is clear where you are, you can't miss them even if you are surrounded by streetlights.

You will also notice if you watch from one night to the next how rapidly the two worlds are moving towards each other. They will be at their closest on 29 November when they are less than three degrees apart.

Two nights later, the crescent Moon arrives on the scene to complete a stunning sight above the south-western horizon. And from much of Europe, there will be an added spectacle as Venus is covered, or occulted, by the Moon.

Skymania Article

Thanks for that Humpty :)

Luckily my apartment faces west and on clear day I can see the CN Tower in Toronto and Lake Ontario to the south so I hope that the weather co-operates and provides a bit of clear sky but we have been having mostly days and nights with cloudy skies with rain or snow.

I've seen them for the past few nights. Very bright.

Should be worth a look. :)

Skymania Article

According to that link they will be closest on the 1st December, not the 29th :huh:

Seems you are right JD. :)

Look to the southwest after sunset on Dec. 1 for a close conjunction between three bright solar system objects: the moon, Venus and Jupiter. If you have binoculars, you might even be able to fit all three of them in the field of view. Between now and then, you can see Jupiter and Venus getting closer together each evening.

Every once in a while, something will appear in the night sky that will attract the attention of even those who normally don't bother looking up. It's likely to be that way on Monday evening, Dec. 1.

A slender crescent moon, just 15 percent illuminated, will appear in very close proximity to the two brightest planets in our sky, Venus and Jupiter.


Its still cloudy with a forecast of rain and wet snow.

I know because IE7Pro's Accu Weather Plugin lets me know.


Its still cloudy with a forecast of rain and wet snow.

I know because IE7Pro's Accu Weather Plugin lets me know.

Plus my arthritis in my back and hips let me know that it is time to see my Chiropractor for my weekly Snap, Crackle and Pop session.

Edit: Fixed link

Certainly hope my friends in other countries/places have clear skies in order to see this wondrous sight.

Looks like a giant celestial smiley face! :blink:

Overcast, cold and wet today, but my fingers are crossed that some of it might blow over, although I won't hold my breath.

Much better to see it live.The pic below is what I'm seeing here in Perth, West Oz. 10 pm.


In Connecticut it looked like this...except the quarter moon was lit on the opposite side, and Venus & Jupiter were in each others' positions (Venus was on bottom, Jupiter was on right).


A smiley view with a beautiful sunset:

Ain't that something special Yo? :)

Thanks for sharing.

Amazing picture. Thanks from me too.