v5.64.7613 not working after upgrade

Just upgraded to v5.64.7613 on two Windows 10 machines with the same results. After launching the program clicking on anything in the CCleaner window bong sound saying ' that doesn't work.' See attached video. I was able to reproduce this error on a separate Windows 10 machine.

have the same problem. program starts but it's frozen after that, has to be stopped through Task Manager.

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Just installed CCCleaner Free 5.64.7613, cccleaner564.exe - the most recent update free version. The Startup window was active, and had a second box below the "NEXT" box to click "Skip to start Health Check". Both buttons presented worked, a Health Check was performed & results reported. "We're unable to establish a connection" & Here are the issues we were able to find" & the box "Make it Better" below those lines. Clicking the box resulted in no action - the programme could be closed using the top right 'x'. Next attempt was to run the registry cleaner instead of attempting "Next" as before. Issues to fix were reported, but selecting back up registry opened the Save to file box, clicking save then resulted in 'unable to find the file XXXXX', being the name for the backup file as suggested by CCCleaner for the backup! Programme closed with 'x' again.

Next step was to go to the shortcut on the desktop, right click, properties, open that window. Select 'Compatability' , tick Run as Administrator'. Rerun CCCLeaner, this time the Make it better button worked, & the registry backup was successful. However the words 'unable to establish a connection' still appear.

Perhaps a gentle 'prompt' that to run more that the basic features, a premium version is required?

Another Note:

For some reason a Windows 10 64 pop-up now appears on the older PC updated today (requesting permission for the programme to make changes to the computer as when a new programme installation begins) each time that CCCleaner Free is opened. Wierd, as if each time the recent Free version is Run, a new installation is being performed?

Also useful to retain the previous CCCleaner .exe install file (default in Downloads but can be transferred to any other folder in Downloads or elsewhere that you create to readily save / find any one class of e.g. these programme updates). This will allow reversion to the previous version should the latest update not perform as expected.

I had the same issue...

I have a pihole (https://pi-hole.net/) as my DNS server.

I had to disable adblocking on the pihole to allow the stupid CCleaner "Health Check" advertisement through...

Turning pihole blocking back on seemed to be OK for CCleaner, after the initial launch, of <span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#353c41;font-size:14px;">5.64.7613.</span>

The registry change here also seemed to do the trick as well > https://www.askvg.com/tip-enable-or-disable-health-check-option-in-ccleaner/

1) Open Regedit


3) Change "(Cfg)HealthCheck" to 0 to turn off the health check feature.

I also have a PiHole running on a Pi. Disabling PiHole worked and the Registry hack worked as well.

11 hours ago, Timoz said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Another Note:

		For some reason a Windows 10 64 pop-up now appears on the older PC updated today (requesting permission for the programme to make changes to the computer as when a new programme installation begins) each time that CCCleaner Free is opened. Wierd, as if each time the recent Free version is Run, a new installation is being performed?

That is the Windows User Account Control, it's shown by Windows whenever you launch an app that can make changes to the registry, etc.

I'm surprised that you haven't seen it with other apps as well.

In CCleaner if you go to Options>Advanced you'll see an option to 'Skip User Account Control warning', if you tick that then Windows won't show the permission box when you open CCleaner.

I had the same exact problem.

I've disconnect my VPN and it is now working fine!

CCleaner stopped working. A different icon from the previous installation is on my screen. I click on the item. An error message appears Went to control panel to uninstall it. I click on the different looking icon. A msg pops ""an erros occurred while trying to uninstall CCleaner. It may have been already uninstalled. Would you like to remove CCleaner from the Programs and Features list?" I hit yes. I uninstalled and installed it again,The problem repeats. I use Windows 10