v5.58.7209 Skipping IE Cookies

v5.58.7209 is skipping Internet Explorer cookie deletion, just the same as the previous CC version.

It is taking a long time on IE, and then not deleting the cookies.

I check over and over and over and over...but to no avail.

I use Win. 7pro, Firefox, Dell laptop. Will this be fixed?

hello betty54,

is there an error-message?

in the past... have you in these message ticked "do not show me this message again"?

it can be that the ie-process is running in the background - ccleaner cant delete cookies if it is "online"

in this case - please take a look in the background-processes - rightclick on the taskbar -> task manager -> look for the "internet explorer" process, if it dislayed, rightclick on it -> close task or what is in english

Hi--and Thank You for your kind reply!

There is no error message.

I have never ticked "do not show me this again." There is no place to do so with the notice.

I realize it only works when I am offline...this is how it works.

In the "Custom Clean" mode, it shows "Internet Explorer cookies skipped."

In the Easy Clean mode, it shows 1 tracker (not a cookie) and when you open it up, it says it is an Internet Explorer tracker.

I do not know what to think--except that this has been going on for months, with this new version as well as the previous version.

i dont use easy clean mode...

what is with "analyze"

-shows ccleaner also "internet explorer cookies skipped"?

@Bethy54 usually this occurs when internet explorer, or a program that uses ie to work, is still open. Do you have any programs or win7-gadgets running when you try the clean?

13 hours ago, Nergal said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/77617-bethy54/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="77617" href="<___base_url___>/profile/77617-bethy54/" rel="">@Bethy54</a> usually this occurs when internet explorer, or a program that uses ie to work, is still open

There seems to be no connection.

Thank You for all your kind replies.

I do not use IE.

I have nothing open that uses IE.

Now it has changed since I got an update from Windows...now it sticks on IE cookies, but does not show IE cookies as having been cleaned, either. It is now not even reporting it.

Even though I do not use IE, and use no programs that use IE, IE is invasive.

Going onto the internet is having IE automatically be attempting to get on your computer someway, somehow...it is just who they are and what they do.

For years, there are always IE cookies to clean up...until now. If it's not one thing it's another, or, to quote Roseanne Rosannadanna, "It's always something."

May Gilda Radner be a blessed memory for all who knew and loved her.

14 hours ago, Bethy54 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I have nothing open that uses IE.

Are you absolutely, 100% sure?

Many things 'Windows' will use IE files or storages spaces, it's simply a convinience for them to use the same files.

eg. Skype, OneDrive, and many other applications use IE storage, even Edge uses some of the same files as IE.

'Live' tiles (Weather, news, etc.) on the start menu in Win8 and 10 will often be using IE files/cookies.

Fair enough you have Win 7 so won't see those.

But if something like one of those is running in the background then CCleaner will see the IE files as being open.