v4.01 deletes Firefox bookmarks

I just installed CCleaner v4.01.4093 (64-bit) and ran it, and it deleted all the bookmarks from the book marks menu in Firefox v14.0.1

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and CCleaner's firefox options were to clean Internet cache, Internet history, cookies (with a few exceptions to keep), download history, and session, but NOT site preferences, saved form information, saved passwords, compact databases.

Works just fine on Win7 64bit + CCleaner v4.01.4093 + Firefox 20.0.1.

Why are you using so old version of Firefox?

Works fine for me, Firefox versions 20.0.1 through 23.0a1

A little experimentation suggests that CCleaner is not the problem. It works fine on my other PC (same configuration).

On the "broken" one I restored an earlier version of the Firefox profile, but it seems to be corrupt - the history list does not get updated when I visit a new site.

So I re-created the Firefox profile, re-imported the bookmarks, surfed the web a bit (history list gets written correctly), then re-ran CCleaner, which now behaves correctly - deletes the history and cookies (other than exceptions), but does not delete the bookmarks.

So it's all good now. CCleaner keeps its reputation as robust and useful software!

By the way, the reason I'm using "so old version of Firefox" is that the newer versions don't have any features that I want - only bells, whistles and bloat that I don't. That seems to be the way with an increasing number of software packages these days - the newer versions are not necessarily better, and sometimes are worse, than the older versions. CCleaner is one of the few that I'll upgrade regularly.

Glad to hear you're sorted out.

I know that Mozilla's sync server has been / was down for a while last week, partially due to a backend change in how bookmarks are handled by firefox, but I don't think that affects you on v14.0

By the way, the reason I'm using "so old version of Firefox" is that the newer versions don't have any features that I want - only bells, whistles and bloat that I don't. That seems to be the way with an increasing number of software packages these days - the newer versions are not necessarily better, and sometimes are worse, than the older versions. CCleaner is one of the few that I'll upgrade regularly.

Why not try Palemoon which is based on the latest Gecko engine with security fixes, but excludes all the useless Bling that Firefox is festooned with.


Palemoon uses different paths so you can retain Firefox whilst trying out.

I have a variation of this fault with versions of CCleaner subsequent to 4.0, Firefox 21.0, and a 32-bit machine. One or two folders of my Firefox bookmarks get corrupted. I don't get the fault with CCleaner 4.0. I am using Windows XP SP3 Home edition.

Please run debug as prescribed at the top of this forum board (ccleaner bug reports) and attach a log where-in the corruption occurs

thank you :)