
After downloading and installing V2.36.1233 on 10/6/10, I have to restart my computer after I run CCleaner. I cannot get my browser or any programs to open until I restart my machine. I did not have this problem prior to installing this update. Is this problem unique to my machine?

what happens when you try and open a program? Do you get some kinda pop-up or anything? What does it say?

Where did you download the installation file from?

Have you scanned for viruses?

Try re-setting your Browser as the default browser.

are you running the cleaner part? or the registry part?

this is not normal behavior for ccleaner.

After downloading and installing V2.36.1233 on 10/6/10, I have to restart my computer after I run CCleaner. I cannot get my browser or any programs to open until I restart my machine. I did not have this problem prior to installing this update. Is this problem unique to my machine?

A) What version of Windows are you using?

B) Did you run a clean install of CCleaner (uninstall old version/install new)

C) Did you check all the options in CCleaner prefs? I don't recommend checking them all unless you know what you are doing.

D) Did you run the CCleaner or the Registry cleaner part?

E) Did you disable certain things with the startup utility that may cause problems, or uninstall programs with CCleaner's add/remove etc?

F) Are you running any deep freeze, or 2?, 3? etc antivirus programs at once on the system that may cause problems?