Before accusing CC of not showing System Restore Points (SRPs), you should check whether those SRPs still exist. Download and run e.g. ExplorerXP and see how much MBs the folder ""System Volume Information"" contain. If that folders contains more than, say 20, 30 or 40 MB then those SRPs are still there.
Before accusing CC of not showing System Restore Points (SRPs), you should check whether those SRPs still exist. Download and run e.g. ExplorerXP and see how much MBs the folder ""System Volume Information"" contain. If that folders contains more than, say 20, 30 or 40 MB then those SRPs are still there.
Windows System Restore shows available restore points.
ExplorerXP shows the ""System Volume Information"" has 1.4GB of data.
Please tell me how come - installed 2.35.1223 OVER the existing v2.35.1219.
As to CC homepage settings will be 'taken over' (sorry).
If my old memory serves me halfway right ... "wipe free space" had been checked also in former versions.
AND -> once checked in 1223, CC would have deleted the SRP which I have created manually after installing, just did NOT. 'MY' SRP is still there after having used all cleaning options.
Thank you so much for the link.
Still wondering ...
P.S. my last 3 images were ~700MB smaller then before, made me wonder & haunted me (lol). Could checked "wipe free space" have caused it ?
But why then 700MB, if I left only the LAST SRP ???
Well, if you want to make an image then use ""Wipe Free Space"" to minimize the size of the image. WFS forces Windows to get rid of as much as info as possible, which Windows considers to be redundant. Like SRPs and e.g. temprorary internet files.
if you want to make an image then use ""Wipe Free Space"" to minimize the size of the image. WFS forces Windows to get rid of as much as info as possible, which Windows considers to be redundant. Like SRPs and e.g. temprorary internet files.
aaaaah ... so that was it!
Glad and relieved to know the reason for smaller size of images now
I still wonder why CC WITH WFS checked didn't wipe my manually created SRP.
Also in 2.35.1219 -> after cleaning ALL SRPs were there.
As I posted:
If my old memory serves me halfway right ... "wipe free space" had been checked also in former versions.
Never experienced this before in ANY other version of CC. - last left SRP (had deleted all SRPs except last-one before creating image, as I always do) was there, also after restoring an image.
poor you ... hope you will get an idea for a fix.
Didn't you make a backup (image) you can restore - just to have a look if CC displays the SRP ?
Well, if you want to make an image then use ""Wipe Free Space"" to minimize the size of the image. WFS forces Windows to get rid of as much as info as possible, which Windows considers to be redundant. Like SRPs and e.g. temprorary internet files.
That is not what WFS does. WFS will not clean anything but free space.
Well, if you want to make an image then use ""Wipe Free Space"" to minimize the size of the image. WFS forces Windows to get rid of as much as info as possible, which Windows considers to be redundant. Like SRPs and e.g. temprorary internet files.
That is not what WFS does. WFS will not clean anything but free space.
It has been commented before that running WFS will remove system restore points. That appears to be the way Windows works when a disk approaches full capacity (WFS fills the disk with large files). Microsoft state ( ) that
'The deletion of restore points may be caused by ... the following by-design conditions:
You run out of disk space on the system drive or on any one of the available non-system drives, and System Restore stops responding and stops monitoring your system.
This behavior causes the system to delete all restore points in an attempt to free up disk space. However, you have probably already received a warning about running low in disk space prior to this point.'
This doesn't explain Ishan and Dave D's problem, that they lose the sys rest display in CC and don't use WFS (you could hardly run it by accident without noticing, could you?). I'm still seeing all mine but I don't run WFS and the latest version of CC hasn't been propogated to the slim version, so I'm not on 1223.
Sorry, I didn't know Windows did that when disk space was really low. But temporary internet files ? Unless Windows also runs Disk Cleanup when disk space is low, I don't think they'll be deleted... (anyway, they're deleted by CCleaner...)
Some time ago I compressed all my Outlook Express (OE) files. At that time I had only some 120 MB of free diskspace. Total size of those OE files was about 100 MB (Yes, I receive a lot of emails). When OE compresses its data files it places a copy of every file in the Recycle Bin. So, after compressing I expected free space would be reduced to some 20 MB but to my surprise the total amount of free disk space was about 200 MB. After some research I discovered that I had two or three restore points less but I also knew that I hadn't manually deleted those SRPs. So, I figured out that Windows would be responsible for deleting those SRPs.
I would suggest the following:
1. Create manually one or two new SRPs.
2. If CC does show those two newly created SRPs then simply delete all those old SRPs. (with ExplorerXP, shift-delete)
I also know that when the user uses CC to delete a SRP then CC won't always wipe the entire SRP. some files are simply left behind. And that could be the case on your computer.
2. If CC does show those two newly created SRPs then simply delete all those old SRPs. (with ExplorerXP, shift-delete)
I also know that when the user uses CC to delete a SRP then CC won't always wipe the entire SRP. some files are simply left behind. And that could be the case on your computer.
I was just reporting a bug in CC that I'd not seen in previous releases.
All of SRPs on my pc are valid and usable as verified by System Restore, and, CC does not show newly created SRPs.
I'm aware that I can delete them using ExplorerXP, but that doesn't address the Bug in CC.
Again, I was just reporting a bug in CC that I'd not seen in previous releases.