v2.29.1111 does not empty user specified folder

I looked at other forum entries related to this problem and tried the suggested fixes... checking/unchecking the 'recursive' option [and by the way, what this means is not very obvious, so how about some note of explanation for that right there on the UI??], etc.

In my experience the problem seems far worse than for other posters.

For a long time I have had a particular folder specified to be emptied. It has several subfolders in it. In prior versions, no problem - and in my case, it never mattered whether the subfolders themselves were deleted (as long as they got emptied).

With this version, I have seen both of these outcomes occur: 1. nothing at all in the folder gets deleted; 2. while one or two (of twelve) subfolders and their contents get deleted, all else remains.

What I have not seen is successful completion of what the feature was supposed to do - and always did do in earlier versions.

Seems to me that something pretty basic, given what CCleaner is, has been messed up here. I am returning to an older version. If for the next version after 2.29.1111 some note is posted indicating that this flaw has been fixed, I'll reconsider then.

Hi pixelwizard.

It seems a few users are experiencing this problem, and I'm sure the devs will be onto it.

Thanks for the information.

Same here. I was frustrated to upgrade and see this gone.

Same here. I was frustrated to upgrade and see this gone.

Thanks for the "you aren't just imagining it" support. I have been having no complaints about the ealier version I reinstalled (right over the existing one). It's v2.28.1091 - installer available here


For a long time I have had a particular folder specified to be emptied.

That (and brilovett's complaint) are unhelpful.

It suggests that other folders are successfully emptied.

That implies you only have one particular folder with a problem.

If you could stipulate the exact path/folder, the developers would having something to investigate.


That (and brilovett's complaint) are unhelpful.

It suggests that other folders are successfully emptied.

That implies you only have one particular folder with a problem.

If you could stipulate the exact path/folder, the developers would having something to investigate.


Sorry. I didn't realize someone needed more information on the defect. For example, I have a folder that Windows 7 recreates every time I reboot called c:\temp\Bluetooth Exchange Folder (it's used to store files that are received by bluetooth). CCleaner used to delete this folder (which is always empty). Now it does not. There is another folder that is also recreated every time Windows reboots - C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Bluetooth Devices. Though the file in it is deleted by CCleaner, the folder never is. Ergo, there is a defect with deleting empty folders. Please let me know if anymore information is required. Thanx.

- B.

That (and brilovett's complaint) are unhelpful.

It suggests that other folders are successfully emptied.

That implies you only have one particular folder with a problem.

If you could stipulate the exact path/folder, the developers would having something to investigate.


Um, sorry. Had no idea the pathway could make any difference and can't really help all that much. I no longer am using 2.29.1111 and won't be reinstalling it. So I can't say whether the one other folder I have [for a long time, across a few versions] specified to be emptied was in fact successfully emptied by it. I never looked.

Attached: a screen capture of the two folders in question [but now we're back inside of version 2.28.1091]. It's the second listed folder that failed to empty with 2.29.1111, and I can't say about the first listed folder. Currently, both empty successfully.

P.S. Your snide tone not appreciated.


To pixelwizard

"Um, sorry. Had no idea the pathway could make any difference ..."

O.K., But you implied there was a difference when you said

"For a long time I have had a particular folder specified to be emptied",

and your reply shows that there was at least one of folder you clean and were not complaining of.

I was NOT being snide. I was pointing out how a little bit of extra information would be useful.

Being snide is when I ask you if you would phone the garage to ask them how much and how long to fix your car,

without telling them if it is a mini or a people carrier ! ! !

To pixelwizard and brilovett

The actual path can often make a difference to deletion capability,

e.g. access restrictions with which some malware and also anti-malware products protect themselves from one-another.

Actually, I was surprised by a specific folder "...\Backups, Corbian\",

I just do not expect a name to have both an embedded comma and an adjacent embedded space.

Obviously legal, and works on v2.28 - but every improvement and revision is opportunity for a new bug.

I have recently seen that v2.29 has changed HOW to delete folders,

and think the old "Include" definitions may need to be edited to accommodate the changes. See




Though the file in it is deleted by CCleaner, the folder never is. Ergo, there is a defect with deleting empty folders.

Have a look at this thread, which includes a workaround till/if it's corrected:


To pixelwizard

"Um, sorry. Had no idea the pathway could make any difference ..."

O.K., But you implied there was a difference when you said

"For a long time I have had a particular folder specified to be emptied",

and your reply shows that there was at least one of folder you clean and were not complaining of.

I was NOT being snide. I was pointing out how a little bit of extra information would be useful.

Being snide is when I ask you if you would phone the garage to ask them how much and how long to fix your car,

without telling them if it is a mini or a people carrier ! ! !

To pixelwizard and brilovett

The actual path can often make a difference to deletion capability,

e.g. access restrictions with which some malware and also anti-malware products protect themselves from one-another.

Actually, I was surprised by a specific folder "...\Backups, Corbian\",

I just do not expect a name to have both an embedded comma and an adjacent embedded space.

Obviously legal, and works on v2.28 - but every improvement and revision is opportunity for a new bug.

I have recently seen that v2.29 has changed HOW to delete folders,

and think the old "Include" definitions may need to be edited to accommodate the changes. See




Yes, well that's your point of view.

You were accusatory. And pedantic.

Here's something you need to review: software users are not necessarily developers or IT experts, etc. We may have no desire at all to learn how to be one. We generally have no idea what amount of detail - and there are tons of details in any PC - would be 'helpful' until somebody who needs the info asks for it. Key word: ask.

Compare the response - earlier than yours - from the moderator of this forum:

"Hi pixelwizard.

It seems a few users are experiencing this problem, and I'm sure the devs will be onto it.

Thanks for the information."

Note that there was no request for further detail in that. And there was no judgmental "you are unhelpful" in it either.

It's all a moot point now, as v2.30 was issued today. I have tried it out. Regarding the issue in question in this thread, to me it seems fixed.

Not that I can stop you, but kindly don't reply to any of my future posts.

You too are pedantic.

You are being accusatory when you call me pedantic.

I take care to be precise.

For a long time I have had a particular folder specified to be emptied.

You were complaining about one specific folder amongst many.

You gave no clue upon how this folder differed from those that were correctly processed.

And yet you did not give the simplest of information - the name.

You claim to have looked at other forum entries related to this problem.

Did you not encounter a single instance where a folder/file name was quoted ?

You too are pedantic.

You are being accusatory when you call me pedantic.

I take care to be precise.

You were complaining about one specific folder amongst many.

You gave no clue upon how this folder differed from those that were correctly processed.

And yet you did not give the simplest of information - the name.

You claim to have looked at other forum entries related to this problem.

Did you not encounter a single instance where a folder/file name was quoted ?

Pathetic egoism.