for speccy v1.24.632 the timezone language title shows "Arabic (U.A.E)". This title "language" is misleading since the control panel for regional and language options calls this "Language for non-unicode programs". If one just see language and one knows they have everything set for English, then one would think there is a bug in speccy since they'd expect to see English. Moreover, I have every language setting for windows XP Home enabled, that includes all keyboards, and code pages with the option checked to make the language settings available as the "default for all user accounts" (speccy doesn't show this check box nor the code pages and keyboards i have activated).
Also speccy doesn't show the last time a usb flash device was installed into the computer although it may not be plugged in currently.
Speccy detects that I have internet explorer and the version # installed, but it doesn't detect alternate browsers such as firefox and chrome and their versions.
Speccy doesn't detect what search engines, flashplayers and shockwave players versions I have installed (pluggins and activeX). Display all browser pluggins and their versions, and dates installed and last used.