v 5.75 install problems

OK, I'm back again with some new issues. Was happy to see that the extraneous .dmp files issue was apparently fixed in this updated version. Downloaded the FREE version and installed on Windows 7 64 bit system. Kerish Doctor immediately pops up a message that a protected system file had been changed. "02:04:47 PM - Restoring object "C:\Windows\syswow64\mswinsck.ocx"". I continued the installation whereupon CCleaner was unceremoniously installed on C:/ - yeah right on the root of the system drive. It did NOT give me the screen to install or customize the setup nor did I get the screen to opt-out of AVG. I proceeded to delete the files on root and attempted to use REVO Uninstaller to remove v5.74 before re-installing. Now Revo won't start because HHCTRL.OCX is missing. Tried doing a search for the missing .ocx file but the search app won't start due to the missing HHCRTL.OCX.

At this point I restored to this morning's Macrium backup. I re-downloaded the file again and the result was exactly as above. Again I restored to my backup. With an Internet search I was able to find and download v5.73 which I installed with no problems after using Revo to remove v5.74. Apparently prior versions cannot be downloaded from Piriform.

Yes the dump error has been fixed, you may want to check the CCleaner folder though and delete any old '.dmp' files that may be left over from v5.74.

I'm not sure about those install problems, maybe it's because of Win 7 now being EOL?

Although probably not related to the install problems that you had you might want to check that the Win 7 is not set to compatability mode for XP or Vista.

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Apparently prior versions cannot be downloaded from Piriform.

They were looking at creating a webpage where 'selected' old versions of CCleaner will be available for download.

It would/will have things like 'Last version to support XP/Vista', 'Last version to support SSE computers', and so on.

There will probably also be the previous version or two to the current one, in case somebody needs a quick rollback

In the meantime if you are looking for a particular old version of CCleaner ask on this forum and someone will probably be able to help.

PS. There was a lot of whitespace at the bottom of your post for some reason, I've taken it out.

I'm thinking there might be a problem with the installer as it nuked two (that I know) system files. And it did not even create a CCleaner folder on the root - Just dumped all the files right on drive C then gave me the option to run the program which I did not do because I also wanted to update WINAPP2.ini. I doubt this is because of Win 7 now being EOL as there are still a lot of users yet on that OS and there will be lot of pssst off users if your installer is breaking their systems due to EOL.

I think I will try the slim install after my Macrium backup later today. Will post back the results.

Slim install did the job. I am now running v5.75 FWIW. I don't really see any difference but the .dmp files are gone. It occurs to me that in the future, all I really need is to replace the CCleaner64.exe file with an updated version from the portable package. What the regular installer did NOT give me is the screens here.


Good to hear that the Slim worked for you.

The Slim installer doesn't include any offer pages so it's likely the newer graphics engine now used by those particular pages that Win 7 can't cope with, which is why the Standard installer bombed before displaying that page.

I'm pretty sure that we have seen that before with some other Win 7 users.

I would bookmark the 'builds' page and keep using the Slim installer in future for updating on Win 7.

(Although I expect at some stage there will be a 'last version' that will be compatible with Win 7, just as Vista/XP users can't use a CCleaner higher than 5.64).

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		... there will be lot of pssst off users if your installer is breaking their systems due to EOL

If you are meaning the mswinsck.ocx and HHCTRL.OCX they are both known to occasionally go missing without any help from CCleaner.

(Although it may have been the incompatability between Win7 and the Standard installer here).

Here's a couple of old Win 7 threads about it from the Windows forum.



You do have to realise that Win 7 is EOL, and that compatiblity problems with new and updated software will become a bigger and bigger problem for it as time goes by.

You can't expect software developers to keep ensuring compatibility with EOL operating systems.

1 hour ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		You do have to realise that Win 7 <u>is</u> EOL, and that compatiblity problems with new and updated software will become a bigger and bigger problem for it as time goes by.

		You can't expect software developers to keep ensuring compatibility with EOL operating systems.

Sigh. Yeah I do realize that. I hung onto XP as long as possible. I never went with Vista or Win 8 although I did have to support them. I'm also a die-hard Internet Explorer user that is now being forced to change. Haven't found one that I feel at home with yet. All the chromium ones seem to build up a lot of crap in the user profiles directory. I can direct the Internet cache to a RAM drive but, there's still a tonne of other caches and logs that are meaningless to me. I'm hoping CCleaner will help me deal with the overload. Anyway, thanks for your help and maybe this thread will help someone else.

I never used Win7 much, went from XP to 8.1 (briefly) and then to 10 as soon as it came out.

I do remember similar software issues with XP when that went EOL, but couldn't justify the cost to update - until the laptops graphics chip went South and it was time to get a new machine.

I didn't particularly like 8.1 but do actually like Windows 10 and have it set up so that it doesn't look all that much different from XP or 7, it's not that difficult to do that.

In fact I've had people who've seen me on my laptop ask why I haven't updated to Win 10 yet, until I point them to the logo for the start menu.

I don't like Chrome or Chromium based browsers either, I settled on Firefox.

Interesting to see that you are (another) RAM drive user, I thought RAM drives went out in the 90's when HDDs became more affordable but have seen a few forum posters using them again recently.

I'll have to look into if using one could be any advantage to me again, I don't think so the way I use my computer but I may be missing a trick.

I use the RAM drive mainly to keep some of the junk off the HD and consequently it is NOT backed up each night to my external HD. Mostly Internet cache but temp and other stuff could be directed there too. I don't have experience with SSD drives but I'm thinking that "less is more" principle could be a factor here since there would be less read/write on the SSD which could result in more lifespan. Just my opinion. I don't use the laptop much so not really concerned about it. The desktop is used constantly.

As for browser, Firefox is what I'm using at the moment. Have tried a few others - Vivaldi is next to try. Will never use Google.

I see what you are doing with the RAM drive there for the junk, not a bad idea.

I went a different route and wrote a batch file that clears the junk.

Because it's written specifically only for what I use regularly on my machine it doesn't have to cover apps that I don't use, so it clears the junk in under a second.

Any junk from apps that I only use occasionally CCleaner takes care of.

I'm not too sure about the SSD read/write life, modern SSDs have a vastly improved read/write life over the earlier ones.

Still it can't hurt to keep read/write ops down.