In Files To Be Deleted; I see that Applications, Internet and Utilities have a brown icon. The Utility files are CA Antivirus, SpyBot Search and Destroy, and Windows Defender. What are these files and why should they be removed? If I don't want them removed, how do I go about that? If I double click on one of these files, it comes up in the rh top with a red X, is that how I remove them from the list?
In Files To Be Deleted; I see that Applications, Internet and Utilities have a brown icon. The Utility files are CA Antivirus, SpyBot Search and Destroy, and Windows Defender. What are these files and why should they be removed? If I don't want them removed, how do I go about that? If I double click on one of these files, it comes up in the rh top with a red X, is that how I remove them from the list?
The utilities files are typically log files that your anti-malware programs make during normal usage. You can safely delete these without adversely affecting your anti-malware programs or your system's operation.
To avoid removing them, uncheck the box located in the "Applications" tab next to the main graphical interface. You can chose to delete or keep any file subset while operating CCleaner.
The red X simply clears your search of the files to be deleted. Double-clicking any subject brings up a detailed list of the specific files marked for deletion; in the top right-hand corner there is a search function that allows you to quickly search for specific file names. Clicking the red X simply clears your search parameters.
Hope that helps! If you have any more questions don't be afraid to ask
Thank you FearNothing, that explains it nicely.