Utilities Avira Desktop clean


CCleaner dosen't clean logs in "c:\ProgramData\Avira\Launcher\LogfilesUI" folder

When you go to Custom Clean > Applications do you see Avira on the list under either Applications or Utilities? Are you using CCleaner's native cleaning rules, or have you plugged in additional external cleaning rules (eg: winapp2.ini).


I use native Utilities/Anvir Desktop rules

CCleaner dosen't see installed Avira Free Antivirus (in Applications I have only AkelPad)

19 hours ago, MrFreeMan said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">

		CCleaner dosen't clean logs in "c:\ProgramData\Avira\Launcher\<strong>LogfilesUI</strong>" folder

Hey MrFreeMan, we've sent this to our devs to investigate this issue. Thank you for the info provided.