There was supposed to be an update included in SP3 to enable the OS to read and handle the large capacity SDHC camera cards, but it didn't do the trick with me, nor for thousands of other folk popped up by google, and I haven't found any "new" fix after doing occasional searches.
However, I've just come across a nice cheap solution in the form of a camera card/USB adapter.
I have to say this is the first time I've heard of SDHC cards being a OS problem I thought this limitation was due to the firmware of the card reader??
My parents own a Lumix digital camera with a 4GB SDHC card they had no problems transferring files to an XP SP2 machine with the supplied USB lead.
If you want something really dirt cheap then try PoundLand they have certified USB 2.0 SDHC card readers for a ?1.00
It should be noted that stuff in PoundLand claiming to be USB 2.0 can be a bit iffy so if you find file copying halts or the hardware restarts you must use a USB 1.1 port.
If you try to install it anyway, you get the answer "Service Pack version of this system is newer than the update you are applying".
The other option is possibly a more up to date card reader, but I've never had any interest in going down that road as SDHC is the only card my hardware can't read, and I've no guarantee that after going to the expense of an update, it would actually work anyway.
The ?1.19 adapter (including postage), from a decent company, is the ideal solution for me.
I must say I do find this hotfix rather odd I though card readers are treated the same like flash drives and as far as I'm aware flash drives had never had a capacity limit problem in Windows XP.
Believe me Richard, since finding out about the existence of a "hotfix" solution, I've spent a lot of time searching for a possible update to the original fix, without any success.
I've came across quite a few so called "solutions", but none have been any good. I've also tried of course to find an updated driver "fix" for my multi card reader (if that's the right term), but they don't seem to exist.
And then I came across the above little gem, which is simplicity itself. Hallelujah!!
If any of you guys do a lot of digital photography, this is probably one of the best gadgets you could buy.
I bought it to enable the copying of photographs from a High Capacity SD card to my PC without having to connect the camera with a USB cable, but it's so blindingly fast compared to the Card Reader, I use it for my 1GB SD cards as well.
I wish they would've thought of shipping something like that with computers that have all those card reading slots on the front of the machine that also unfortunately pile up as available drives in My Computer. That alone would be a much more cost effective and even a portable solution, and minimize all the empty drives seen in My Computer.