In replies a certain member sends back unsolicited information - ISP name and number and PC details in his/her signature "sticker," with a mocking comment. How is this done? Is it ethical? Is it good fun? What is it about? Any comments appreciated. Just an old geezer trying to understand!
I don't remember the address to get, it's pretty common in Forums. Only you can see your own info...
Re previous post - to clarify: Info sent is on me. Bit of a surprise when spotted! I've seen it before elsewhere on the web twice; once in chat, once in a blog type site and shrugged it off. Thanks if you can take time to reply. Thanks anyway!
Those signatures usually cause quite the unnecessary comotion, and as such, are usually banned on most popular forums.
Thanks TwistedMetal and Tarun. I realised only I would be the only recipient. Everyone gets one I guess - whats it about - fun? When I was a kid such behavior was RU-UDE! Don't get me wrong - I would never want "the old times" back. EVERY DAY IS NEW! Forget my last post. I'll check out "danasoft" for my education. Thanks and thanks good guys!
Those signatures usually cause quite the unnecessary comotion, and as such, are usually banned on most popular forums.
"Dial-a-Fix" - could have done with that in a few scrapes I've been through Thanks for reply. The commotion is understandable when you consider the current state of computer education - it'll take a generation or two.
I checked out "danasoft" - te-he-he, what a laugh! What a waste of time! To say "juvenile" would be to insult the young! Is that the limit of info they can produce on one? Does it rate as spyware? Can it be blocked - it IS low grade data-mining, am I right? Hey, if you guys keep answering, I'll keep asking* but don't want to waste YOUR time. *finished asking on this topic but a further comment or two would be appreciated
Dont worry about asking too many questions because the people here love to answer them. No it's not data mining or anything. It just shows your IP address which just about anything can do. If your on the internet your IP address is like your ID this is how people who use file sharing programs and download illegal software get caught, no worries also if you ever need to know your address look here: IP Chicken.
I like the User Agent changer.
Remote Port: 3287
Browser: Lunar/1.02 (Portal; U; en)
Thanks Tarun, rridgely! Very helpful fellows! My education continues - elementary to you young guys - advanced to me, lol. Later edit: Tarun, you replied to rridgely, I guess. I Googled and found "User Agent switcher" and not having a clue, realised it's stuff for you, is it OK to say, geeks. A very pejorative term at one time! I think it was Tony Curtis (a teen favorite of mine) who once played one - locked in a cage, biting heads off live chickens, in a carnival - the lowest of the low!
Thanks Tarun, rridgely! Very helpful fellows! My education continues - elementary to you young guys - advanced to me, lol. Later edit: Tarun, you replied to rridgely, I guess. I Googled and found "User Agent switcher" and not having a clue, realised it's stuff for you, is it OK to say, geeks. A very pejorative term at one time! I think it was Tony Curtis (a teen favorite of mine) who once played one - locked in a cage, biting heads off live chickens, in a carnival - the lowest of the low!
If you have Firefox, User Agent Switcher extension.
OK - Thanks Tarun!