Read this article here, a very interesting read. I have hundreds of entries.
Does anyone here use the 'disable logging' mentioned there?
Read this article here, a very interesting read. I have hundreds of entries.
Does anyone here use the 'disable logging' mentioned there?
Go figure I was expecting to find hundreds or thousands of those keys on my system but I only had two of them which I have since gotten rid of.
As a direct response to this post I've made a winapp2.ini cleaner to deal with them, so CCleaner can be used to get rid of them safely should anyone not feel comfortable manually removing registry keys.
Have just found out CCleaner by default already cleans some of the items under 'Advanced->User Assist History'. It's however only targeting four unique registry keys in there, not the whole lot of them.
ROT13 is a standalone exe that will decrypt those entries.
Its in the Freeware Rebooted topic: http://forum.pirifor...72 You wouldnt have to go online.
Thats a CNET link in that post, so click on the blue words that say "Direct Download Link" to avoid the CNET wrapper.
Just export those 2 keys, then right click and edit them, then copy / paste onto ROT13, decrypt them, and wallah, there are the real actual words.
why would MS bother to encrypt those entries and with such a simple rotation cipher to boot.
Fascinating stuff hazel, and an interesting web site.
I've set the "NoLog" registry key.
Fascinating stuff hazel, and an interesting web site.
I've set the "NoLog" registry key.
You wanna check it works, I tried creating the no encryption key so I could read the entries, followed the instructions, restarted, and didn't do anything. Also be aware that not logging (presuming it works the same as deleting) kills recently used programs in start menu
I intended to, and the two keys are back, albeit with just one entry in each.
The guy did say this might happen.
I don't have any recently used in my start menu, it's devoted entirely to "pinned" shortcuts, but thanks for the heads up all the same.