Shareaza and WinMX are spyware-free, Shareaza being open source... so I use and recommend both...
There are free usenet servers -- check with your ISP.. they are usually the only ones to provide you with true free usenet access. Sometimes it's in the form of a monthly download cap (such as 2 GB or something), and some are almost completely limitless.
I've tried a few p2p programs, including sharaza and WinMX, but I like limewire the best. I get the best results wiith it and it works great.
When you said you got 4 trojans, was that from installing Limewire or downloading a file from it? Just curious becuase Limewire has only shown positives results for me.
When you said you got 4 trojans, was that from installing Limewire or downloading a file from it? Just curious becuase Limewire has only shown positives results for me.
Shareaza and WinMX are spyware-free, Shareaza being open source... so I use and recommend both...
There are free usenet servers -- check with your ISP.. they are usually the only ones to provide you with true free usenet access. Sometimes it's in the form of a monthly download cap (such as 2 GB or something), and some are almost completely limitless.
For those of you that miss the ability to use WinMX, I just wanted to let you know that WinMX is doing great. The users are coming back, and the network is beginning to really take off once again. For more information regarding the MXPIE team and their efforts, check out the following link on getting connected to WinMX.
It is quick, easy and free. Contains no spyware, adware or any other form of malware, as with WinMX, it will never contain such things. But for those who are concerned, they even have a manual modification that allows you to see exactly what is being done that only takes minutes to do yourself.
I have also found very helpful people at this Computer Problem Help Forum they know what they are doing, and can help you with connection, or general computer issues. And for WinMX specific help the forum and pages at the following link are spectacular WinMX.
They even have Realtime help available for WinMX 3.53 users having trouble getting connected. Go to WinMX Channels.
Everything you need at the MXPIE Website Free and Spyware free.
yeah DC++ is the best p2p client that i've ever used. but you have to know where to connect though . i usually connect to a hub which has about 2000 users so that i can find ppl with files easily.
but i mostly use ?Torrent for p2p since BitTorrent has a lot of stuff that other p2p doesn't usually have such as whole albums and a lot of other stuff.
I used Limewire for a long time and really liked it but a while ago I upgraded or reinstalled it (can't remember which) and also got a bad dose of malware which was rather hard to completely remove. I've been using SoulSeek which doesn't have the best user interface but it does work very well and no malware.