US Air Force Prepares For Cyber Warfare


The statement informed Air Force personnel that their new mission was to "deliver sovereign options for the defense of the United States of America and its global interests -- to fly and fight in air, space and cyberspace."

Moseley said that Air Force leaders establishing a new "cyber command" to be responsible for fighting in that domain, commenting: "To deliver the full spectrum of effects we will evolve a coherent enterprise, with war fighting ethos, ready to execute any mission in peace, crisis and war. We will foster a force of 21st Century warriors, capable of delivering the full spectrum of kinetic and non-kinetic, lethal and non-lethal effects across all three domains. This is why we are standing up an operational command for cyberspace, capable of functioning as a supported or supporting component of the joint force."



The statement informed Air Force personnel that their new mission was to "deliver sovereign options for the defense of the United States of America and its global interests -- to fly and fight in air, space and cyberspace."

Star Wars Weapons

Is what comes to mind

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense

Missle defense system

Star Wars Weapons

Is what comes to mind

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense

Missle defense system


Or just a simple overloading of the PC to zap the perp, umm maybe that's science fiction I'm thinking of, too many movies. :huh:

Cyberwarfare just sounds too silly. :lol:

C'mon, is this how USA is gonna handle terrorists in the future? Like owning them in space combat games?

C'mon, is this how USA is gonna handle terrorists in the future? Like owning them in space combat games?

No, not to handle terrorists since they cannot really be targeted. But maybe in war to cripple important infrastructure.

Though, I still do find it really really silly.