Earlier today I used CCLeaner in an attempt to clear out my laptop prior to doing a serious virus scan, & before I realised it, a years worth of holiday pictures were deleted from my "My Pictures" folder. Where does CCleaner store the files it deletes?
Any help will be appreciated immensely! I think I am going to be sick....
sorry, but it does not store them anywhere.
they are permanently deleted.
theres a chance that a program could bring some of those back but, who knows?
heres a program which may or may not be able to do it, dont get your hopes up.
im really doubting that Ccleaner did this unless you stored them in a temp file or added a custom file.
good luck ![:(]()
CCleaner would not have cleaned that folder unless you added it as a custom file.(or maybe if you added the my docs folder?)
Besides restoration there are a couple other freeware programs to help you get your stuff back(ones I have used):
http://www.free-av.com/(click unerase on the side)
And here is a list of ones that cost money:
And list of free ones(some I haven't tried):
CCleaner does not delete the "My Picture" folder, it clears the temporary folder, specified in the %TEMP% environment variable.
Deleted files are just that, deleted.
Years lost of holiday pictures really sucks, those are cherished memories. ![:(]()
I sincerely hope you are able to recover them and get them back.
In the future, keep in mind to have backups of important files.