Upgraded to CCleaner Pro on Mac and now it just hangs on cleaning 0%

I recently upgraded to CCleaner Pro for Mac as i have multiple sign-ons that need cleaning simultaneously. Since the upgrade, I have been unable to get CCleaner to even start a cleaning. The screen hangs at 0% completed and never moves. I"ve removed all other profiles so it is only cleaning the currently signed on profile, with the same issue.


I am very interested by the solution here:

Same issue since 0ct 2019 no support, licence paid for Pro but unable to use v1.17.603 on Mac Os catalina 10.15.3

First I had some support..(in fact i had to provide all the log data i could provide to help them understand why it didn't work)

Then support ends with this message:

xxxxx (Piriform Support)

Oct 28, 11:xx EDT

Hi Sébastien,
We're now receiving an increasing amount of reports about CCleaner crashing in macOS Catalina, and we greatly appreciate you for providing us with these resources because these crash reports will be helpful to our development team during their investigation of this.

In any situation, our development team has now confirmed that there are known compatibility issues between CCleaner and Catalina, therefore our official stance is that the new Mac OS is not yet supported by our app.

We are however actively working on investigating these problems, although we do not currently have an estimation as to when we will be able to make everything work correctly.

Considering this, should we issue a full refund for your purchase?

(Alternatively, we could put your license on hold so that when the app will function correctly on Catalina in the future, you can activate your license at that time, and use it for the entire annual licensing period)</em>

	<p style="color:#2b2e2f;font-size:14px;">

	<p style="color:#2b2e2f;font-size:14px;">
		<em>xxx xxx | Piriform Support - San Antonio, Tx</em>

	<p style="color:#2b2e2f;font-size:14px;">
		<em>Product Docs:<span> </span><a href="http://www.piriform.com/docs" rel="external">http://www.piriform.com/docs</a><span> </span>

		Help Center:<span> </span><a href="http://support.piriform.com/" rel="external">http://support.piriform.com</a></em>

I just updated CCleaner to Professional. But it will not launch on my MacBook Pro (Catalina 10.15.3).

Apparently the Pro app is supposed to self-update.... But mine has not updated.

If you have no fix, please refund my purchase price

MacDonald Moore

I have the latest macbook pro 16 inch and CC Cleaner does not launch at all.


sinds a week cleaner doesn't work properly.

the screen hangs on 0% by analyse or start cleaner. I have paid for pro version.

If no proper answer comes, i won't renew my license.

I have two Mac's, a MacBook Pro 15" 2015 - and a 13" MacBook Pro 2017). On the 15" MacBook Pro, CCleaner hangs at 0% when doing analyze or clean. Tried uninstalling and re-installing, but same issue. CCleaner does run on the 13" MacBoook Pro.

Both runs MacOS 10.15.4

Any suggestions on how to enable CCleaner on the 15" MacBook Pro - note CCLeaner has worked fine until recently - possibly failing after the latest MacOS update



And .. a minut after posting the above - I found a solution. I reset CCleaner settings to default, and it works..

Give that a try..

run sudo /Applications/CCleaner.app/Contents/MacOS/CCleaner works fine

This has been a long struggle and a huge time waster to be able to use a product as designed and advertised, a product for which I paid, and where I effectively found no support, oh, and which does not work. I have a bill coming for an additional year of “service” in January of 2022, yet I have had no use of the program since I purchased it . . . at a time when they knew it did not work as advertised.

Before anyone asks, CCleaner has been given full disk access and all the privileges suggested without solving anything.

As suggested by the post immediately prior to mine by vincent_cm, I ran CCleaner 1.18.30 from Terminal with the command sudo /Applications/CCleaner.app/Contents/MacOS/CCleaner

It opened fine. No beachball . . . for the first time ever.

When I tried to do some configuration in Options/Cookies it locked up as soon as I clicked on Cookies.

When I tried to uncheck some default boxes under the Cleaner/Applications tab it locked up each time.

Opening it by clicking on the app gives an instant permanent beachball. When I go to another program and let CCleaner settle down, then go back and click anywhere on the GUI or menu, it beachballs again. I can't even access the menu via that method. Each time it requires a “Force Quit” to get out of the program. The “Quit” command doesn’t even work in Activity Monitor.

When opening the application from Terminal, there is a warning error in Terminal.

sudo /Applications/CCleaner.app/Contents/MacOS/CCleaner

2021-10-27 11:17:21.410 CCleaner[20967:3103289] TabMove current tab 26

2021-10-27 11:17:22.995 CCleaner[20967:3103289] TabMove current tab 72

2021-10-27 11:17:29.397 CCleaner[20967:3103289] TabMove current tab 12

2021-10-27 11:17:41.620 CCleaner[20967:3103289] TabMove current tab 18

2021-10-27 11:18:23.040 CCleaner[20967:3103289] *** WARNING: Method convertPointFromBase: in class NSView is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications.

More warnings may show up, but for now the program is hung, so I won’t be able to tell:

*** WARNING: Method convertPointFromBase: in class NSView is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications.


Since I am running macOS Big Sur Version 11.6, which is way past 10.7,

Version 10.7

Lion" (released in 2011)

Version 10.8

Mountain Lion

Version 10.9


Version 10.10


Version 10.11

El Capitan

Version 10.12


Version 10.13

High Sierra

Version 10.14


Version 10.15


Version 11

Big Sur

and since I am not a programmer, but can only “follow the trail,” so to speak, I am left to surmise a problem with the programming and software testing process. The warning in Terminal clearly shows a warning regarding programming that is not fully compatible with any version of Big Sur, or even with any macOS versions beginning with “Lion” in 2011.

I have run EtreCheckPro and found over 80 crashes in the last seven days. With all the crashes, CCleaner is most likely responsible for performance issues on this machine. I didn’t keep the original EtreCheckPro report, but the earliest one I have noted an additional 19 crashes, all for the same reason. I have no idea if the “***Warning” and the 80 + 19 crashes are related, but there is certainly a problem.

2021-10-19 14:53:25 com.piriform.ccleaner.CCleanerAgent - Crash (19 times)

Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.piriform.ccleaner.CCleanerAgent


dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

This is the same message as the other 80+ crashes.

When I finally got the program running from Terminal, I clicked on the "Analyze" button to try to set up a scan, it very quickly scanned up to 52% and seems to be stuck on:


Directory Service Cache


No progress for some time. I force-quit CCleaner after a couple of hours at 52% on the same file.

I have used CCleaner Pro for many years (on Windows) without incident. I have had zero success with CCleaner Pro for macOS since I purchased it on January 13, 2021. I believe this is a compatibility issue that came about long before I purchased the product.

The suggestion to reset to default settings is a great idea, but it is impossible when you can't access the menu or anything else through the GUI. The only way I could get there was to completely remove CCleaner and reinstall from scratch. In the end, it was a waste of time. It didn't work.

Finding support directly from Piriform on the main CCleaner website, rather than the forums, was not very straight forward. When I finally got through to them, they emailed me back and said they would generate a new key and send a link for the new CCleaner for macOS version 2.0, which isn’t even advertised on their site. Right now, I am waiting for the link and the key to download, install, and activate the new software.

I am concerned about the customer service I have seen in this thread.


“Same issue since 0ct 2019 no support, licence paid for Pro but unable to use v1.17.603 on Mac Os catalina 10.15.3

Piriform Support:

· “. . . our development team has now confirmed that there are known compatibility issues between CCleaner and Catalina, therefore our official stance is that the new Mac OS is not yet supported by our app.

· “Considering this, should we issue a full refund for your purchase?”

· “(Alternatively, we could put your license on hold so that when the app will function correctly on Catalina in the future, you can activate your license at that time, and use it for the entire annual licensing period)”

Yet Piriform sold me the program and processed my payment on January 13, 2021, but did not tell me it was not yet supported in Catalina, let alone Big Sur. They are way behind here.

· At no time did I receive any notification from Piriform stating there was a known problem, and they were working on it.

· At no time did I receive any notification that the versions over the last year had compatibility issues with Catalina and with Big Sur.

I made quite an effort to search on my own. Even then, I didn’t get a hint of an answer until I actually joined and signed in to the forum. Even then I had to get to the thread through an internet search, because the same search in the forum did not take me to this thread. I’ll include the link for those who are having the same struggle. If they are lucky, it will show up in an internet search.


In the end, this is a quality control and customer service issue, both of which could be improved. I really hope version 2.0 fixes the issue and I really hope I receive credit for the time the product has not worked. I only wish I could get something for the time spent to figure out they dropped the ball long ago and are only now reaching down to pick it up.

9 hours ago, NetbossG said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		where I effectively found no support

Did you try contacting customer support?

Note that CCleaner for Mac 1.18.30 (released October last year) is fully compatible with both Catalina and BigSur (https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner-mac/version-history)- although a handful of users had been experiencing problems with their specific system configurations that required various work-arounds.

Were you on the CCleaner for Mac 2.0 beta programme? if you are still using CCleaner for Mac 1.18.30 keep an eye on your email over the next couple of weeks for an offer to switch to CCleaner for Mac 2.1.

Thank you for your response, Dave.

Please know my intent is only to be supportive in our efforts toward a successful solution to this issue.

In answer to your questions:

  1. Yes, I did contact support. I used the support I could find as noted in my post. For most software, the path to direct communication to support is to "contact support" under the support menu. For CCleaner "Contact Us" was under "About Us," and not under support. From my experience, "Contact Us" in that location would indicate contact for reasons other than support. I did use the contact and received a return email saying they'd generate new keys and send a link for 2.0.
  2. No, I am not on the CCleaner for Mac 2.0 beta program. I didn't even know it existed, and I did not know about about version 2.1. No offer to troubleshoot or provide any form of support was given beyond offering keys and a download link to 2.0.
  3. I did find the mac version history in the link you provided (with some effort), and I could see the compatibility statement.
  4. Posting a concise list of the various work-arounds in a single location would be greatly appreciated. I have tried the ones in this thread and none of them worked for me.
  5. I will keep an eye out for version 2.1 over the next couple of weeks. I'd be willing to try 2.0 beta immediately in order to see if I have any issues.

In my effort to provide constructive feedback within the community:

  • I ran the program from the Terminal command line.
  • I posted the error I received in Terminal referencing code that was deprecated by Apple.
  • I posted a link to the deprecated code with recommendations for revisions from Apple.
  • I posted a table showing the MacOS history back to the beginning of the code deprecation. (Thank you, Wikipedia)
  • I posted the dyld crash reference from EtreCheckPro.
  • I posted a portion of the dyld error count from EtreCheckPro. (80+19 crashes)
  • I quoted CCleaner staff statements from sebsebsebseb's post at the beginning of this thread where the statement of incompatibility was made.

The intent of my post was to provide what I believed was new information. I also noted some concerning statements from this thread in an effort to be constructive and solution oriented. I apologize if I did not come across as intended. It is very frustrating to purchase a product, then find statements from the provider saying it was not compatible at the time I made the purchase. Compatibility statement on the CCleaner website aside, the forum statement in this thread is concerning.

I have used CCleaner Pro on my PCs for many years and have found it to be the best product out there for the given purpose. It has worked seamlessly and flawlessly for me on the PC for years. I was hoping for the same experience when I tried CCleaner for Mac. Sadly, my experience came far short.

I made a best effort to make my point clear in my previous post. I'll add that I have been in a position of IT leadership for over 25 years, and my approach toward problem solving in these situations upon becoming aware if to assess, bring the relevant people together, gather the facts, listen to feedback, and make recommendations leading to a quick and successful incident conclusion.

My assessment through this thread was concerning and I would like to help.

  • I did not receive an offer of support, an offer to from Piriform beyond sending keys and a download link to new software when it becomes available.
  • I made a best effort to be thorough in my troubleshooting and shared my findings, along with what I believed to be relevant supporting documentation, in order to help Piriform solve a CCleaner issue.
  • I quoted statements from Piriform regarding compatibility that (from my leadership experience) shouldn't be made in a public forum.
  • I believe the technical aspects of what I observed brought new information to the table; information I did not find elsewhere in my effort to correct the issue from my end.
  • I shared my findings with the community.

This is not really the forum to get into the philosophical aspects of technical support, nor of my personal experience, but I would be glad to work with someone offline to help improve the experience for myself and other customers who may share my frustration. I am available to offer helpful suggestions via the email attached to my account, and from there via telephone. You have a great product. Please don't take offense, and please do not let this bump in the road affect your long-term mac strategy.

My first constructive suggestion would be to add a "Contact Us" link under the "Support" menu on the website. It never occurred to me to look elsewhere to make contact with support. It was like I was stuck in a loop.

I sincerely hope my efforts to work with Piriform toward a solution to this incident are taken as constructive. Frustration aside, my intent has always been toward a constructive solution.

Take care, Dave.