Upgrade not working

paid for CC Cleaner upgrade and ugrade tool is not recognizeing my license key. Tried the tool to verify the number but site did not even recognize my email.I now have a software product I cannot use that I paid for...finding a number to reach a real live person is impossible.

Firstyl make sure that you copy/paste the key from your email, mistyping leters/numbers is a common error, eg. 1 & I, 5 and S, etc.

You need to contact support to resolve licencing issues; it's not something that we can do on the open forum.

There is a contact form here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

Or you can email them: support@ccleaner.com

Please don't raise more than one support ticket, they are dealt with in order and raising multiple tickets can actually slow down the response.