Upgrade failure

My HP notebook PC runs Windows XP Pro with SP3 & IE8, and has all updates & patches up to date. I have used Recuva v1.26 successfully for some time, but recently when I downloaded and upgraded it to v1.38, Recuva seems to install OK - but won't start. It just flashes on the screen then disappears. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, rebooted, downloaded again but the result is the same. I have tried various other versions later than v1.26 and they all have the same problem. If I reinstall v1.26 again it works fine. Any ideas ??

What browser are you using?

Have you tried cleaning your browser cache,and trying the download again?

Have you tried downloading with a different browser?

I use IE 8. No, I have not tried cleaning the browser cache and trying the download again - nor downloading with a different browser. I doubt either would make much difference - if I download Recuva v1.26 again and install it, it works ... Any later version does not work.


Same here, Install in a newly reinstalled Win.XP sp3,

Installed smoothly but when I tried to open, it just flashed and disappeared.

Use IE8, Ccleanered and defragged and reinstalled....same problem

(this same computer did not have any problem with ver.1.24 and ver 1.38 earlier)

Any ideas ?


Sounds very similar to my PC environment - except that the most recent version that works for me is v1.26.

where are you downloading it from , have you tried the portable build? does the user you are using have admin privilages? can both of you check your windows application logs and see if there is a crash error.

Also be sure you aren't running the wrong exe. If running XP be sure to run recuva.exe not recuva64.exe if running XP64bit then run recuva64.exe not recuva.exe.

can you please run recuva in debug mode to and post the logs

like I did Recuva_log1_38_50410-10-2010_15-34.txt

go to run in the start menu and type

"c:\program files\recuva\recuva.exe" /debug

exactly with the quotes as I put them in where "c:\program files\recuva\" is replaced by the location you installed it.

I am downloading Recuva v1.38.504 from the Piriform site - filename is rcsetup138.exe. I have not tried the portable build - was not aware there was one.

Yes, the user has full admin privileges.

There is no crash error in the windows application log (Event Viewer).

Yes, it is running on 32-bit XP and I am running recuva.exe not recuva64.exe.

Tried to run Recuva in debug mode using "c:\progra~1\recuva\recuva.exe" /debug - but the result is the same and this log file is created -


[2010-10-11 12:04:09] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.38.504

[2010-10-11 12:04:09] [iNFO ] System Info: MS Windows XP Professional SP3, Intel Pentium M processor 1.86GHz, 2.0GB RAM, ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600

If I edit the Recuva.ini file line




- when it flashes up it briefly shows either mode correctly, then disappears.

Again, if I reinstall v1.26 it runs fine.


was there also a dump file in the directory after thew /debug?

please note that the developers read all of these threads so the more information provided the better they can look into it. the dump will be too big to attach, but if you use a site, such as drop.io you can upload it there and link.

once my vbox linux is loaded up, I'll install recuva on my xp mode and see if I can recreate the issue

Thanks - yes, there was also a dump file in the directory after the /debug; here is a link to it:


Dump file for Recuva

Cool the developers should look into this with this issue :)

Thanks, we'll have a look at this :)

Are either of you using a security product? if so which one (from both of you please). I could not reproduce this on any of my winxp machines.

Yes, naturally I am using security products:

NOD32 v4.2.35

Sunbelt Personal Firewall

Windows Defender

Spybot Search & Destroy (scans at night only)

- but I am not sure that using any of these explains why Recuva v1.26 can be downloaded, installed and run without a problem - whereas any later version fails to run ... ??

my bet is leaning toward nod32 not liking the latest Recuva's boot process can you (temporarily just to test this theory) turn off nod32's Real‑time file system protection.

I don't have NOD32 so am having to rely on the user manual

but I wonder if this is not what is causing the issue Advanced scan options

More detailed setup options can be found under Antivirus and

antispyware > Real-time system protection > Advanced setup.

Additional ThreatSense parameters for newly created and

modified files ? The probability of infection in newly‑created or

modified files is comparatively higher than in existing files. That

is why the program checks these files with additional scanning

parameters. Along with common signature‑based scanning methods,

advanced heuristics are used, which greatly improves detection rates.

In addition to newly‑created files, scanning is also performed on

self‑extracting files (.sfx) and runtime packers (internally compressed

executable files). By default, archives are scanned up to the 10th

nesting level and are checked regardless of their actual size. To modify

archive scan settings, deselect the Default archive scan settings


Additonal ThreatSense parameters for executed files ? By default,

advanced heuristics are not used when files are executed. However,

in some cases you may want to enable this option (by checking the

Advanced heuristics on file execution option). Note that advanced

heuristics may slow the execution of some programs due to increased

system requirements.

Turned off NOD32 then installed Recuva v1.38 again - but same result. Just flashes on screen for less than a second & disappears.

What happens in safe mode?

I have no idea what happens in safe mode. I may try it when I have spare time - which is rarely - but I really don't want to keep on & on trying time consuming random tricks just in case they may work. This is not the sort of fault I would usually try to rectify using safe mode - unless you really think it has a strong chance of succeeding in finding a permanent solution ??

I was asking about safe mode because if Recuva ran there it would lend credence to the fact that it could be a third-party driver stopping it in real time.

Was just troubleshooting not randomizing :)

Troubleshooting & randomizing - can be almost the same thing !! But fair enough - I will try it when time permits ... :) Tried installing v1.38 on another PC with almost identical configuration, and it worked fine ...

<_< [rant] The problem with not trying the "random" things suggested is it makes it impossible for anyone to find and fix the problem. These are not "random" requests. We are people familar with both the programs provided by this company and troubleshooting in general. As we are not sitting at your terminal, and I doubt you'd be willing to let some random stranger (us) remote desktop into your machine, we require you to be our hands and eyes and to do the steps we ask . . . else your report is useless and will not be fixed. [/rant]

that said if you don't want us to solve this, or don't want to help with this anymore let us know and we'll let it lie.

I repeat what I said above

the more information provided the better they (the developers)can look into it.