Updates after 5.40 have a problem (free version)

I've been using CCleaner on my Home Server using MS Windows Home Server (Server 2003 based) without problems.

But over the past few updates, whilst it scans  for cache etc, when I then try to clean them I get a Visual C++ Error dialogue box, which then closes CCleaner.

I've wound back on CCleaner updates and it functions correctly at V5.40.

Also tried stand alone install of Visual C++ 2005. No change.

Had no problems on clientPC which run WinXP and Win10


I have been having a similar problem since the last update(5.43.6522). CCleaner works fine in analyzing, cleaning the registry and the other functions I have tried but when I run the cleaner it simply closes down without any error messages . I have uninstalled and installed 5.40.6411 and all is OK. Is a fix going to be made.?

I've not had this problem myself.

But from the descriptions I've seen I would say it is an antivirus, antimalware, or similar that is closing down CCleaner.

It's happy when CC is just scanning, but as soon as CC tries to delete or modify something the AV/AM shuts it down.

Personally if this was happening to me my first step would be to disable my AV/AM/AE/AR and see if CC would clean then.

If it did I would then turn my A# back on and make CCleaner an exception in it.

If you try this and it works for you then please- 1: Let the forum here know. 2: Let your A# provider know it's blocking CC as a False Positive.

I'll certainly give anti virus a go.

I use Avast on all the clients under a multi-license, but from memory, I've had problems getting any sensible security package to install on WHS (Server 2003 based)

On 6/8/2018 at 14:59, pdfbt40 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I've wound back on CCleaner updates and it functions correctly at V5.40.



Ccleaner v5.40 is the last version that is any good. Sad, but CCleaner is getting more bug ridden with every release.. Running 5.40 here too.

Time to start looking for a replacement.

I had Avast Free Antivirus installed.

Reverted to CC V5.43 and disabled Avast. CC still stops unexpectedly.

Uninstalled Avast. CC still stops unexpectedly.

Removed CC5.43 and installed CC V5.40. Runs OK.

Tried to reinstall Avast Free Antivirus. Not compatible with Server

Tried to install Avast Premier (Licensed) Not compatible with Server

So installed Avast Business Edition 30 day trial until I sort it out!!

<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Microsoft has released the April update (Windows 10 RS4) for Windows 10. This note is to inform you that <strong>Avast Endpoint Protection</strong>, <strong>Avast Endpoint Protection Plus</strong>, <strong>Avast Endpoint Protection Suite</strong>, <strong>Avast Endpoint Protection Suite Plus</strong>, Avast File Server Security, and Avast Email Server Security <span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>are not compatible</strong></span> with the Windows 10 April update. Customers using these Avast products will receive notification that their Avast software must be uninstalled before Windows 10 can be updated successfully.

Seems to be an issue with Windows servers based systems and Avast since the April Windows update.

This thead suggests that you will need upgrade to Avast Business Edition on server based systems. (Which you have done with the trial).


Sorry no further clue with CCleaner stopping, (I'm not sure that Piriform do yet either).

As with a few recent problems it's hard to tell if it's CCleaner, Windows Update to 1803, or something else, that is causing it for some but not all users.

Haven't used Avast EPS for over 3 years.

Had no Avast Premium problems with any PC except the WHS.  Getting any legacy support is a pain, but I usual get around it one way or another.

I have the problem on my laptop as referenced above but strangely not on my PC which uses the most up to date CCleaner. Both computers were reset at the same time and the content is similar. I will go through my recent software additions to my laptop to see if |II can find the culprit because something is stopping the recent CCleaner from operating. Don't you hate it when the only answer is to roll back to get something to work. i don't like workarounds but i do like ccleaner and would like to take advantage of the newest release.

i have been having a similar problem since the last update. CCleaner worked fine in analyzing,cleaning the registry and other functions but when I run the cleaner it simply closes down without any error messages . I have uninstalled and installed 5.40 .6411 and all is OK.

Later now run the fix recommended in topic below. It works on the latest version. Alll down to conflict with Kaspersky apparently

Well changing "Settings stored in INI file" seems to have stopped it; though I'd call it a Work Around rather than a Fix.

Also, using Avast security package, and it made no difference to the issue whether On, Off, or un-installed before the Work Around.

Thanks for all suggestions, looking forward to next Update, I think.