updated defraggler has taken most of my space

Using Piriform defraggler, it previously took several hours but I was left with 21% defragmentation, 65% used space and 35% of unused space. I updated the defraggler yesterday and after 21 hours I was left with 47% defragmentation, 91% used space and 9% of free space. What is going on here and why do similar topics have a lock on them which seems suspicious

See if this helps


But reboot first

there's nothing suspicious about locking threads, there isn't a grand conspiracy in place.

threads are locked generally for a few reasons; the topic gets resolved(very rare though), the thread gets hijacked, a very old thread gets new unrelated posts, the thread gets abused or crosses the boundary of the Forum rules, or a member get banned, or the thread gets spammed - to name a few.

they never get locked because a Moderator wants to stop helping a genuine subject of interest.

if you give examples, I'm sure some explanations are available.

Perhaps desdemona is referring to pinned topics?

Ahhh, that makes more sense. B)