Why can't I update CCleaner? When I open CCleaner I get the message NEW UPDATE is available, I click on it, CCleaner Site opens but Freezes at about 30% of loading. In order to close the Window I must use Task Mgr and do an END TASK.
As you're using the inbuilt update feature, I can't really say why that is happening. I already have the latest version, so can't check that out. Our apologies, and the developers will probably have a look at this.
Can I suggest you download the update manually from here:
CCleaner 2.13.720 (File Hippo)
Just install over the previous version to keep all your settings.
Yes; using the Inbuilt feature... I have CCleaner set to Notify me of Updates automatically when I open CCleaner. This Freezing problem when Updating from within the software began in August when I was using an earlier version of CCleaner (don't recall version). Prior to August the Inbuilt Update Feature worked fine. I have updated CCleaner manually for the past 3 Version Updates and the Update freeze from within the Software continues. I have seen several entries in the Forum with others reporting this same problem. One user indicated that they removed Registry entries and that solved the problem.... I would not delete registry items unless directed by the Software Tech Unit or Microsoft Tech. As I recall, the user deleted CCleaner, deleted Registry entries, re-installed CCleaner and wrote that the Update problem was resolved.
As you quite rightly say, there are other people experiencing the same problem, and I'm sure it's something the development team are aware of, and will sort out eventually without the user needing to take an excursion into the registry.
If it's any help, I have never used the update feature, preferring to manually download the latest version from the following link, and with CCleaner closed down, do an offline install.
CCleaner: (File Hippo)
Assuming CCleaner downloads and installs without any problems for you this way, I would suggest doing that until the update problem has been resolved.
Hope that helps, and thanks for posting back.