Unwanted Languages

The main purpose of CCleaner is to get rid of junk and other unwanted items/files. Less files and reg. entries gives a faster computer with more HDD space.

So how about ONLY loading the Language(s) that you require. This would usually mean 41 less files being loaded and a whole 1MB of extra free space for the user. For users requiring more than one language, how about 'check boxes' for each language and set CCleaner to clean out all unwanted language file from it's 'Lang' folder.

I can't do this manually because the files are 'numbered' not 'named' - so which one is English?

Any votes on this idea? :)

English is 1033. It's built-in CCleaner ; you can delete the whole Lang folder.

Here's a full list: http://www.science.co.il/language/Locale-Codes.asp?s=decimal

a whole mb, what would you do with that space

For me it is a matter of principle.

The firefox addon xmarks is far bigger than it ought to be because of all the foreign stuff.

When xmarks is updated it happens again,

and I know it has happened so I run a script which zaps every folder (except English) within the languages parent.

I have a 4 GB partition for portable applications and it is half full.

If I had allowed each of them to retain their language folders/files there would be no empty space.


Yes... me too. I have the same trouble with other cleaners, such as the Wise Disk and Wise Registry Cleaners. Surely it would be a simple addition to any program to ONLY load the required language - or none at all if English is built in.

Aethec - thanks for the info there. A quick search of my Program Files showed eleven Language folders.

A whole mb, can hold up to 100 Word documents (I always Link photos to save space).

As I said before... the whole idea of 'Cleaners' is to give us faster, less cluttered computers. With this (and deleting all unwanted start-up programs) I can get my ancient XP PC to get full screen in 23 seconds and shut down in 10.

a whole mb, what would you do with that space

True that isn't much at all but once you add up all the programs you have installed and all the lang files they have you end up with a bucket load of unless files your system doesn't even require - space stealers/space hogs/space vampires, etc.

Just yesterday I removed 18.7 MB of lang files from Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 to have only the U.S. English lang files on disk.:blink:

I just did a windows explorer search of C: for the term "1033". Found 57 files and folders. Total size of only the folders is 157 mb. So yes, its a bunch. :blink:

I have read somewhere that wmiprvse.exe runs longer if you have a lot of language files...cannot find the reference right now.

wmiprvse runs forever when I start wxp home, eventually stops, no malaware detected by avast or mbam, could that be caused in part by the large number of language files?

I strongly recommend "Everything" as far superior to Windows Explorer. free from


I double clicked my desktop link and within 2 seconds it showed me a total of 87 instances of 1033 in both XP and W7 partitions of my dual boot machine.

Then as I typed 1034, 1035, 1036 etc, by the time I looked up from typing each 4 digits the results were on screen.

Using Windows Explorer for that sort of search would get the results on the screen after I have fallen asleep whilst waiting - if it ever completes.


Thank you. Great application. Super fast. Finds everything in about a second. :-)

Used both the portable and the installer.

True that isn't much at all but once you add up all the programs you have installed and all the lang files they have you end up with a bucket load of unless files your system doesn't even require - space stealers/space hogs/space vampires, etc.

Just yesterday I removed 18.7 MB of lang files from Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 to have only the U.S. English lang files on disk.:blink:

Irony is i run a script that does include removal of the languages files as part of other maintenance i do.

Just wouldn't post about it.

iTunes for windows makes about 4000 files that aren't needed on an En-US system :lol:

iTunes for windows makes about 4000 files that aren't needed on an En-US system :lol:

Thanks, Winapp2.ini. Must rush off and gouge'em out of a friends computer. :P