Unnecessary, but useful possibilty

I wouldn't assume it would be very hard to add, but I can't be sure, an option that has CCleaner correct your system's clock if it's off. It isn't needed, but could be useful to those who use it on a flash drive to clean up multiple computers. (Today in fact I correct one computer's clock with a NIST program that also shows how far off it was. Over a month.)

Come on Jim .Quit the April fools jokes!!!

If you are serious,Pardon moi!!!

:) davey

It may seem sad but I am serious. I'd just think it would small and simple enough to add and I have seen so many computers that have incorrect clocks. My desktop in fact, even though it was set to synchronize with a server still got off by two minutes. Some people like having the right time all the time (or at least be closer than to it than a month).

Hi Jim.

I'll make you an app that will set your clock if thats all you want. ;)

I already have one from the NIST. I just thought that since CCleaner has also become something of a diagnostic tool for cleaning off things that slow down your computer then why not also have it do something minor like set your clock.

I have a question for both you, Keithuk, and davey. Does this mean you don't want to see such a feature in CCleaner, or you just think the idea is stupid, or something else? Don't worry, I know it seems stupid but it also seems, to me, that it could be useful in some circumstances (which I somehow find myself in often).

IMO, correcting the system clock does not fit in with CCleaner's purpose and its better left for a separate program.

I have a question for both you, Keithuk, and davey. Does this mean you don't want to see such a feature in CCleaner, or you just think the idea is stupid, or something else?

No not really because I make my own programs. Plus I think you'll find that WinXP updates its own clock if your connected to the internet. I use Win98SE so that doesn't work for me. ;)

No its not stupid question.

No not really because I make my own programs. Plus I think you'll find that WinXP updates its own clock if your connected to the internet. I use Win98SE so that doesn't work for me. ;)

No its not stupid question.

I've never gotten my XP computer to update correctly internally, it always says, "An error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with time.nist.gov," or "... with time.windows.com." That's why I have to use the NIST utility.

Thank you.

I like Robin Keir's Neutron:


I don't want time sync to be part of CCleaner.

I have a question for both you, Keithuk, and davey. Does this mean you don't want to see such a feature in CCleaner, or you just think the idea is stupid, or something else? Don't worry, I know it seems stupid but it also seems, to me, that it could be useful in some circumstances (which I somehow find myself in often).

Hi Jim,

I see your point as regards being responsible for servicing many computers.

But,I want to see CCleaner to be kept flexible and simple as possible.

I have seen many suggestions to add this option and that option but each one makes CCleaner a little bit larger, a little more confusing for most users.

I hope to see install options or such so that I don't have to worry about some of my users trying to "fix" the Registry or use the Tools function and "Uninstall" or even worse just "Delete" programs without a proper "uninstall".

The only protection I have now is the threat to them that "it will cost them a lot of MONEY,TIME, and STRESS if they mess with those functions".

That threat has worked so far but like other requests or suggestions I have seen, I would like an install option to only allow the Cleaner and Options functions.

I guess what it comes down to is someway to lock each option in CCleaner.

As far as the clock is concerned,I don't want anybody messing with my clock.

I already removed many software options either at start up or built in by the developers to check in with their website for "updates" and "new offers" etc.

It is no wonder why some users are reluctant to "reboot" when they should.Too much garbage happening at Start up.

Keep CCleaner simple and flexible but not a "do all" product.

Get the documentation clarified and updated for all current Piriform products.

Then I expect that Piriform will probably develop a separate "Utilities" product.

Who knows???


:) davey

Windows already has a resident correct time adjustment. Now if the windows time correction isn't happening fast enough look on some download sites like Softpedia.com, etc., for freeware programs that do a tweak to make the time update more frequently.

Perhaps I didn't explain it well enough. For my desktop, running XP, it cannot use the Windows auto sync for the time because it says it cannot access the servers. I already have software, from the source of the correct times, to correct the times. I suggested having something to correct the clock in CCleaner simply so that it would be done when one runs CCleaner and, to a point, agrees with the diagnostic aspect of CCleaner. At most computer labs I have used someone has messed up the clock, installed software that really shouldn't be on the computers, and websurfed to the point that the tracking cookies and other temporary files slow down everything (severely in some cases). It would be nice to have on utility to clean up the files (not the programs necessarily) and fix the clock. As such a function seems to be small and simple (261 KB for the NIST version compared to CCleaner's exe of 886KB at the moment and 2876KB installer) I thought that it wouldn't be a bad thing to have.

To restate for clarity, I am not looking for software to correct my clock, I am saying that such a feature would seem to have a place in CCleaner and the majority of computers I've seen that could use a cleaning by CCleaner could also have their clocks fixed.

Yeah! and I wouldn't doubt that those same people are changing the clock in an effort to avoid tracking later.

They need to be informed that messing with the clock is being monitored and if they keep messing with the clock,they will get more than their "clock cleaned".

:) davey

I don't know if anything anyone does on these computers is being monitored. Despite the fact that the doors to the lab are locked most of the time, and are meant for classes only, AOL and Yahoo instant messenger have made it on to the machines along with several pieces of Google soft(spy)ware. Also, I love how they now have Deep Freeze on them (very nice utility for computer labs) but it's turned off.

I don't know if anything anyone does on these computers is being monitored. Despite the fact that the doors to the lab are locked most of the time, and are meant for classes only, AOL and Yahoo instant messenger have made it on to the machines along with several pieces of Google soft(spy)ware. Also, I love how they now have Deep Freeze on them (very nice utility for computer labs) but it's turned off.

Who said anything about there actually being any monitoring software? :lol::lol::lol:

:) davey

I have seen many suggestions to add this option and that option but each one makes CCleaner a little bit larger,

The fact that CCleaner doesn't make the BeginnersGuide.chm help file beats me. I know they have an online help link but that?s assuming that users can get online for whatever reason. I make programs and I would never distribute one without the accompanying help file. The BeginnersGuide.chm is only 65Kb so that isn't going to increase the size that much.

I don't know if CCleaner don't approve of the BeginnersGuide.chm but its made by TwistedMetal a moderator here. ;)

The fact that CCleaner doesn't make the BeginnersGuide.chm help file beats me.

I feel the same, because there are a ton of repetitive questions where we're always linking to the Beginner's Guide for people to download it. Then again software without an included help file is becoming a trend to reduce download size and bandwidth cost hence somebody has to pay for it, which is why many software titles have a Wiki.

I feel the same, because there are a ton of repetitive questions where we're always linking to the Beginner's Guide for people to download it.

Ok then how about putting a help button in CCleaner. It would be coded so it checks for the existance of BeginnersGuide.chm in the app folder. If its there then open the help file else show a messagebox BeginnersGuide.chm not installed.

I have CCleaner and Recuva on my desktop and I also have short-cuts to both help files. There shouldn't be a need to have extra short-cuts just for help files. Come on Mr.G. ;)

While a little off topic, a couple of things I've learned to try when Window's Internet Time thingy wont work, which you may find handy to do.

  • Make sure the time zone for the computer is set correctly.
  • Set the date and time to within a minute or two of the correct time.

Then try updating the time via the Internet Time tab. It usually works at this point for me.

You may also what to take a look at the NTP Pool Project and sync off available time servers in your local area.

You could use Dial-a-Fix to synchronize your clock.

Download here.