Unlocker site security threat

Going to the Unlocker site I got this.

Windows Security Alerts:

This website has been reported as unsafe


This website has been reported to contain the following threats:

Malicious software threat: This site contains links to viruses or other software programs that can reveal personal information stored or typed on your computer to malicious persons.

The developer of Unlocker has had a lot of problems being flagged by av companies etc as he wrote about here in his blog


Some more thoughts on this here


I didn't get that alert March 17 when I posted a link to it. But since then I've updated to IE8. :mellow:

The comments about small developers getting flagged on the Nirsoft Blog have me wondering why antivirus vendors haven't flagged Windows itself - which the baddies often use. :rolleyes:

The comments about small developers getting flagged on the Nirsoft Blog have me wondering why antivirus vendors haven't flagged Windows itself - which the baddies often use. :rolleyes:

Danger!! Your computer contains a directory named WINDOWS! For your own protection it will be deleted.