Unknown schedule tasks which run on startup!

Hi ,

First of all thanks many billions to Piriform for this great software to keep the PC clean and that too without being greedy like many other top software vendors :)

Now, I checked Startup under Tools just this day , in windows tab everything is OK but under 'Scheduled tasks' some thing unknown please have a look and tell me what should I do of them :)

All the programs that start with { are unknown tasks to me :)

Please assist thanks :)


taken from here http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-windows_programs/what-does-pcaluaexe-do/5951f4b4-18f6-4b21-b925-ed5bb9032e9b

pcalua.exe is the Program Compatibility Assistant. "The Program Compatibility Assistant is an automatic feature of Windows that runs when it detects an older program has a compatibility problem."

to be safe, just disable the last 5 item but i think it will be enable / recreate when you run the software..for example Mobistel installer

Are the names of programs (that are behind "pcalua") familiar to you ? Do you have those programs installed ? If not, then disable or even remove those lines.

Thanks a lot dvdbane and willy2 .

I removed those all tasks that 'program compatibility assistant' ran except 'Vice city 2.exe' one because that is one program (game) I still have installed on PC.

One of those , which is 'Yahvcfx[1].exe' is I think that malware which I accidently downloaded one time which my Kaspersky anti virus detected and removed but I am not too sure if it was that file , However if it was that malware, would it have affected my PC till now since the day it is running with 'pca'? Though I still use this antivirus I think It was just a trace of it?

However if it was that malware, would it have affected my PC till now..

It could because often it takes several programs to clean up a malware infection and a virus scan nowadays doesn't necessarily remove everything or fix the damage left behind.
For help removing malware visit a malware removal site listed in item 10 here: