Uninstalls itself

I have been using this program only for a few months and I love it but lately I have to keep reinstalling the program each time I start up my PC. The CCleaner logo on my startup screen is dead.

I have to go to downloads and right click on Run as administrator everyday now to reinstall it from scratch. Any ideas?

There was a similar post on Saturday.

Programmes don't generally uninstall themselves, there wouldn't usually be any point in that.

It's much more likely that your Anti-Virus or Anti-Malware is removing/quarantining (it in error) for some reason.

Which Anti-Virus are you using?

I have the free 2 week version of Malewarebytes Antimaleware program running.

Sorry, I also have Norton.

Thank You

I've also had the Malwarebytes 3.5 trial running for the past 2 weeks and it didn't remove my CCleaner.

I would check Norton's quarantine list to see if Norton has been removing it:


If Norton has been removing it then you can 'restore & exclude' so that it won't remove it in future.

(Norton has been known to falsely flag CCleaner in the past. All AV's occasionally flag something they shouldn't. https://forum.piriform.com/topic/47601-ccleaner64-and-norton-sonar/?tab=comments#comment-279472).

If it is Norton in this case then I'm sure the CCleaner admin would like to know.

Funnily enough this has just happened to me for the 2nd time (over the last few weeks). Just completely disappears, with just a white icon. I don't have norton's.

58 minutes ago, ukbadge said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Funnily enough this  has just happened to me for the 2nd time (over the last few weeks). Just completely disappears, with just a white icon. I don't have norton's.

What happens if you double click that white Icon?

If CCleaner still runs then your icon cache has probably become corrupt, it happens and once it does it tends to happen again until you rebuild the icon cache.

This tells you how to rebuild the icon cache in Windows 7/8/10


Thank You for your advise, I just had to reset my PC o factory settings from other complications so my issue has ceased for now. I do have the CCleaner app on my PC which is set to

erase everything once a window has been closed. For now I just have PIA in Google chrome Beta version which is so much nicer than regular Google and it works just fine.

I only use Microsoft Edge for personal things like banking and e-bay so PIA is not needed there. I tried using PIA with e-bay and kept having to redo my password because they thought

I was a hacker and would lock my account.

Thanks again for your help.


On 12/06/2018 at 15:44, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		What happens if you double click that white Icon?

		If CCleaner still runs then your icon cache has probably become corrupt, it happens and once it does it tends to happen again until you rebuild the icon cache.

		This tells you how to rebuild the icon cache in Windows 7/8/10


Nothing happens. Windows just asks me whether I want to remove old icon. Checked folder and most of CC has disappeared. Not sure whats doing it. I am installing (as administrator) and activating it. It then asks me to update to .....6522. On installation of the update I get 'error opening Ccleaner64.exe'. I click ignore and it install aand seems to run ok.

Make sure all traces of CCleaner are gone from your program folder and Programs and Features uninstall list and restart your machine.

Then download 5.43.6522 SLIM BUILD from here. Install it.


Do you still have the problem?

14 minutes ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Make sure all traces of CCleaner are gone from your program folder and Programs and Features uninstall list and restart your machine.

		Then download 5.43.6522  <strong>SLIM BUILD</strong> from here. Install it.

		<a href="https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds" rel="external nofollow">https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds</a>

		Do you still have the problem?

Will try that. Funnily enough it has just happened again.



2 minutes ago, ukbadge said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Will try that. Funnily enough it has just happened again.

		<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2018_06/Capture1.JPG.7022ab2bc13895b095b7ef62dfcb7953.JPG" data-fileid="10924" rel=""><img alt="Capture1.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="10924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2018_06/Capture1.thumb.JPG.d3351f7b0a4196ee0ab50013c0933e00.JPG"></a>

		<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2018_06/Capture2.JPG.953c63b1b063378222d571821f72917e.JPG" data-fileid="10925" rel=""><img alt="Capture2.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="10925" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2018_06/Capture2.JPG.953c63b1b063378222d571821f72917e.JPG"></a>

Don't know if it is relevant but I do have Malwarebytes 3.5.1

If it is Malwarebytes paid that could be the problem as it has an issue at the moment with allowing some 3rd party programs to update.

Let us know when you have downloaded and installed the slim version from that link (which needs no updating)

Slim version installed ok.

11 minutes ago, ukbadge said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Slim version installed ok.

Good to hear.

By the way, when I said the slim build didn't need updating, I meant at this point in time.

We will see what happens when the next ccleaner build comes along :)

Ok thanks. Off on holidays tomorrow so it will go quiet from this end.

7 minutes ago, ukbadge said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Ok thanks. Off on holidays tomorrow so it will go quiet from this end.


Have a good time :)