uninstalling MS exchange wizard;takes over my photo Email

Only 2nd time run CC so a Newbie Just run CC ,all seemed well. apart from

I found bits left over from uninstalling [ via disc as CC told me previously ] MS office 97

2 bits were;;; progs\ MSOffice\office\ Findfast.EXE and OSA.EXE in startup tray so I deleted in CC. and did a restart.

I thought I had solved a problem I have had for months, with resizing photos, to Email in Outlook express.Which I used to be able to do easily, as you should by, selecting pictures and then selecting "Send pictures by email" >click make pictures smaller ;;;grrr.. this brings up" Microsoft exchange setup wizard" which wants me to setup to use microsoft mail.

Whilst this was open I opened Task Manager which confirmed above wizard running I highlight and went to "go to Process" and it says "explorer.exe"

MY OE6 is working fine will attach photos full size only and will insert also in main body of email. IT is when I want to resize ,make smaller above happens, happens in Picasa as well.

CC says its fixed everything which was mostly uninstaller software..

MY PC works fine and I have 80% free disc space and I am a boring surfer , dont download music or anything.

Any one know how I find this dratted wizard and Kill it.

Just because I have idea what happening does not mean I understand why.


