You have a hopeless approach to removing a Security Application.
If CCleaner could uninstall Comodo, so could any virus.
Comodo protects its files, and it is practically impossible to remove it when it is running.
This is probably true of some (but not all) alternative Security Applications.
I have Comodo A.V. + Firewall + Defense+
The first thing I do is download the installer for my new choice of security protection.
Secondly I disconnect from the Internet so nothing bad can come in.
Then I select each of the Comodo items, and switch to Disable
Then to be really sure it is disabled I reboot - sort of superstition which may help.
Then I use the RevoUninstaller to remove,
and when Comodo is removed I do not reboot until RevoUninstaller has sought and removed remnants.
Then reboot again.
Then I use a batch file to eliminate the remnants.
I suggest you avoid the 2 KB download from the link that Ident gave,
because it is fairly old, and caused me a lot of grief when I used it.
I recommend instead page 3 on
Search for "Reply #31 on: January 28, 2010, 04:34:29 PM"
This is my message which includes "zapbeta.txt",
which started life as zapbeta.bat but had to be renamed to be accepted as an upload.
After download you will of course need to restore the BAT extension.
This can detect and remove many more remnants.
It includes a third stage which shows what remnants refused to go away,
or have been resurrected by Windows File Protection etc.
These things that do not go away have got permissions issues which need manual removal,
and there is a lot of related information in the above topic.
My ZapBeta is, in my mind, superior to the others because :-
1. It checks back and reports what failed to go away, the previous scripts assumed the remnants were obedient,
2. It permits BUT BY DEFAULT AVOIDS the removal of "%windir%\system32\wbem\Repository",
which removal is not normally needed, and can be dangerous, and I believe was the cause of damage on my system last year.