Uninstall Button

Hello and Happy Friday!!

I've had CCleaner for about 2 months and it works fine. So I'm happy.

My question is ALL about the Uninstall Button (programs to remove). It's my understanding that when you uninstall programs through Windows, sometimes things are left behind. But when I use CC to unstall programs, I've noticed things I've haven't seen before. Is it safe to REMOVE things like ...

Security Update for Windows (Internet Explorer, XP, Media Player)

Update for Windows XP

and finally Windows XP Hotfix

I have about 30 versions of EACH. So I was just curious :blink: and confused - Is it safe to REMOVE these things ??


It is not safe to remove those items that are listed.

It would defeat all the objects of installing them in the first place.

Uninstalling programs using the Uninstall feature of CCleaner will have the same effect of using Windows Add or Remove, the same files will be deleted during the uninstall because they are both accessing the same uninstall feature of a program.

CCleaner does tend to show other entries that Windows Add or Remove does not though. However, any updates for Windows components are most definitely required to be kept.

wow - okay good to know ...

thanx for your time - really appreciate it

happy new year!!!

always be god damn careful doing anything that has "windows" in it

always be god damn careful doing anything that has "windows" in it

:lol: Yeah, and the first warning sign should be the installation of Windows. :P
