UninstalItems.log in c:\temp with ccleaner 5.63

Hi, I'm using portable version of ccleaner 5.63 and I noticed that whenever there is a temp folder on c:\

ccleaner creates this file c:\temp\UninstalItems.log when using the tools\uninstall section.

If there is no c:\temp folder, it does not create the file in any place in the drive.


See here


Hi, thanks for answering, lets hope they will resolve it in the next version.

Unfortunately, this still hasn't been resolved.

The referenced topic was closed with this comment:

<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		It's not a bug... It generates the text file for the Uninstall window, without it. There would be no Uninstall in Tools.

Either this IS a bug and it was NOT intended for that file to be generated there, OR this IS a bug and that file should ALWAYS be generated to C:\Temp\UninstalItems.log as it "fails" to be generated if there is NO C:\Temp\ folder.

This is happening even though both %TEMP% and %TMP% are pointing to the default %localappdata%\Temp which resolves to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\ and yet, this is NOT where this file gets generated.

If the file is needed, it should be temporarily saved into %localappdata%\Temp and deleted after it's not needed anymore. It should not be saved into C:\Temp

If this file is not needed, then the file probably shouldn't be saved anywhere, and any and all of its details can be held in memory. After a while going back to that tab would require refreshing its data anyway, so pulling outdated file would be useless anyway.

So one way or another this is a bug.

It's been that way for umpteen years. I agree it should go into a user temp folder, one that CCleaner is capable of deleting the contents of to self-clean and get rid of it's own temporary creation.