unicows.dll not found


I am French and my English is a bit weak. I'm sorry.

I would like to install CCleaner under Windows 98 (and very old computer). While installation no problem. But when I run the soft UNICOWS.DLL is not found. Unicows.dll is pr?sent in c:\programmes files\CCleaner\. I copy it in C:\windows, c:\windows\system and in c:\windows\system32 and CCleaner.exe don't find unicows.dll. Where does unicows.dll must be to be found ?

Friendly Laurent

Welcome to Piriforum Laurent.

I would like to install CCleaner under Windows 98 (and very old computer). While installation no problem. But when I run the soft UNICOWS.DLL is not found. Unicows.dll is pr?sent in c:\programmes files\CCleaner\. I copy it in C:\windows, c:\windows\system and in c:\windows\system32 and CCleaner.exe don't find unicows.dll. Where does unicows.dll must be to be found ?

I think the last two versions of CCleaner need Unicows.dll. When you install it, as you say it puts Unicows.dll in the CCleaner folder. You can put a copy in your Windows\System folder if you want to. But if no other app needs to use it then why bother. You don't have to register Unicows.dll.

I use Win98SE and its always worked perfectly for me. Try an uninstall then reinstall CCleaner. ;)

Welcome to Piriforum Laurent.

I think the last two versions of CCleaner need Unicows.dll. When you install it, as you say it puts Unicows.dll in the CCleaner folder. You can put a copy in your Windows\System folder if you want to. But if no other app needs to use it then why bother. You don't have to register Unicows.dll.

I use Win98SE and its always worked perfectly for me. Try an uninstall then reinstall CCleaner. ;)

Hello Keithuk,

Thanks for your answer and for your "Welcome".

Of course, I can put a copy of Unicows.dll in all my folders. I agree it is a mistake if only CCleaner need it in his own folder. I did that only to help CCleaner finding unicows.dll.

I will try a "uninstall then reinstall" like you wrote. May be I have installed CCleaner from a folder of my home network and CCleaner "don't like".

My W98 is not SE (and the computer before pentium (I collect old PC. the older is a 8088 with a Hard Disk on a file card))

Friendly Laurent

I will try a "uninstall then reinstall" like you wrote. May be I have installed CCleaner from a folder of my home network and CCleaner "don't like".

My W98 is not SE (and the computer before pentium (I collect old PC. the older is a 8088 with a Hard Disk on a file card))

You can install CCleaner to any folder you want too. The default folder is Program Files\CCleaner.

Win98, have you thought of getting Win98SE? I would do a search on eBay they are quite cheap on there. ;)

You can install CCleaner to any folder you want too. The default folder is Program Files\CCleaner.

Win98, have you thought of getting Win98SE? I would do a search on eBay they are quite cheap on there. ;)


After an "uninstall then reinstall", the errors reporting is "The Microsoft Layer for unicode was not found . unicows.dll".

Sorry for CCleaner, I think it will go to trask.

To have a W98 is a part of my collection of PC. Some of mine are on W3.0, W3.1, W3.11 or simply on DOS 3.0 or higher.

When I download CCleaner ( from a site "for downloading", it was written: "CCleaner work on W9x". http://www.01net.com/telecharger/windows/U...ches/32599.html

W9x mean also W95... If it work on 95, 98 too, I have thought.

I don't see the possibilty to mark posts "problem resoled" or some think like that.

Thanks for these replies.

Friendly Laurent

Do you have parts for a Ford Model T :blink:

I bet they would fetch a fortune on eBay.

Do you have parts for a Ford Model T :blink:

Up yours Kenny. ;)


Sorry for CCleaner, I think it will go to trask.

To have a W98 is a part of my collection of PC. Some of mine are on W3.0, W3.1, W3.11 or simply on DOS 3.0 or higher.

When I download CCleaner ( from a site "for downloading", it was written: "CCleaner work on W9x". http://www.01net.com/telecharger/windows/U...ches/32599.html

W9x mean also W95... If it work on 95, 98 too, I have thought.

Friendly Laurent

Hi Laurent,

What operating systems does CCleaner work with?Fully tried and tested with Windows 98/NT4/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista.

It's currently partially compatible with 64bit XP and Vista, there are a few non-critical issues which are still being worked on.

There are no Mac or Linux versions.

You apparently don't have the necessary software to use CCleaner in non-English language.

Go to OPTIONS > SETTINGS > language and select English .

You should now be able to run CCleaner.You may have to down load and select English when you install.

Download from this link. http://www.CCleaner.com Free

The CCleaner Guide is at this link. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/

Good Luck,

:) davey