:(Hello, few days ago I have tested a new tool for optimization (normally) for my PC. Installing Uniblue RegistryBooster I stays not enthusiastic with him and I decided to remove it. Now, each time I launch CCleaner I find a key inside registry relating to this software and each time I?ll try to remove it after a reboot the key reappears? that kills me? If you have any ideas concerning this subject they are welcomes? I use Windows XP-SP3 and the directory installation does not exist anymore. Yours assistance is welcome.
Hi vidalv, and welcome to the forum.
I know how you feel. I hate something hanging on to my PC when it shouldn't be there, even if it's just one reg key.
You could try removing that reg key in "Safe Mode" (See my signature for how to use safe mode).
You can run CCleaner "Scan For Issues" in Safe Mode, and "Fix Issues", or you could actually right click the entry in the CCleaner "Issues" window, and open that key in Regedit, and delete it manually.
I would also first do a "search" of all files and folders on your C: drive to make sure there aren't any file/folders left in out of the way places after uninstall.
But please, before deleting anything, follow the CCleaner dialogue to back-up the reg entries.
Come back if you still have the problem. There are other options.