evidently i was right from my previous topic there is an underlying problem to do with this mfc42.dll. today i tried using trend micro house call thingy. it went through downloading a few things then told me it needed the microsoft mfc dll on the comp. i let it do this as i thought it may fix the problem. this was the error message i got on startup.
this one is soon after loading the bios
windows could not upgrade the file %1 from %2 %1 : %2. one or more the system files could not be updated windows may not start properly. then when i reached my desktop i receieved this error.
an error occured loading C:/windows/system/mfc42.dll the file may not have been installed or it has been corrupted
i have got absolutely no idea what to do so any help would be appreciated
Most of the info I found says this problem is usually caused by the installation of a program that is not compatable with the version of mfc42.dll on the computer. If this happened after you installed a new program, you can try removing the program and then reinstalling it. Supposedly, most programs that need this file will update it automatically during install. If not, your version of mfc42.dll may be outdated and you should install the most recent version.
Before trying to install mfc42.dll into the system folder you should make sure no applications are running, including anti-virus programs and any that may be running in your system tray.
However, I read somewhere that you may have to install the file from the DOS prompt (not the "RUN" command in Windows).
You could copy mfc42.dll to a floppy disc and then boot to the DOS prompt and type:
Copy a:\mfc42.dll c:\windows\system
If you have an existing mfc42.dll file in c:\windows\system you should rename it to something like mfc42.bak rather than delete or overwrite it.
There is some useful info as well as a copy of mfc42.dll here:
Although I think this info is correct, I am not nearly as experienced as rridgely, tarun, andavari or many others in this forum. You may want to wait to see if they comment on my suggestion before you try it.
mfc42.dll is a file that can be commonly replaced by many programs and is one of the files I pay close attention to what version is installed on my Win98 system. I've even seen some very crappy installers downgrade the installed version which was the reason I archived a known good version for usage on my Win98 system, however I haven't encountered the problem as of yet on WinXP which is probably due to system file protection. Some antivirus scanners may replace the file as well.
Installing the file can be done in Windows via System File Checker (Win98) or MSCONFIG using Expand File (WinXP). I think you stated you use Win2k oli, however for Win2k I'm not sure how the reinstallation would go since I've never used that OS, however there has to be a built-in Microsoft utility for extracting files from the Windows setup disc, etc.
Regardless of the Windows OS mfc42.dll should be registered using:
Start->Run->type in:
regsvr32 "%windir%\system\mfc42.dll"
I didn't notice the text under the topic name it's for WinMe. If System File Checker is available in WinMe (start->run->sfc.exe) you should use it to install the file rather it's from a floppy, download folder, setup disc, etc., and then reboot.
I'm not sure since it's been awhile (years actually) since I've been in DLL HELL but perhaps unregistering mfc42.dll will allow you to install/reinstall a good copy. Here's how to unregister it:
regsvr32 "%windir%\system\mfc42.dll" /u
If it doesn't work try it without the quotes, or input the path:
I tried it on my computer and it seemed to work OK.
I guess the problem with this file is so many different programs modify it.
Some other suggestions I came across are that there may be many versions of this thing in various folders on the same computer. I had 3 different versions on mine. One recommendation was to do a search on your computer and update all of them to the newest version on the PC. Another was to delete all of them except for the ones in the system folder and dll cache. Not sure either is a good suggestion, though.
LOL at DLL Hell andavari, DLL Hell came up a lot
Also, do you have administrator permissions on the computer? If you're the only user I would think you do.
I hope one of these suggestions from everyone fixes it for you.
i tried it but i get an error every time i try to install. it says error 1301. the current directory already exits installation will not continue this happens whatever i chose. i also found a specifed thing to update mfc42.dll. i think the technical term is the computer is buggared