I have a Lenovo ideapad U450p laptop with a built in webcam. I am unable to leave video messages, or use the webcam in any instance, while using facebook. I've looked for things online and still cannot find things, so I thought I would try here. I think it might be an issue of letting a web browser access the webcam. The same happens in IE, and I have the latest version of Java, so I know that's not it. Anyone know what might be the case?
Check your Flash settings to see if you have it set to never allow camera/mic access (just a guess, i don't Facebook chat and did not even know you could video chat on facebook. . . but usually these things are flash NOT java)
I went through and added the site to the allowed list, giving full access, but still nothing..
Do you have the drivers installed for the webcam, do you have software to check if it's functioning??
When access a webcam via Flash web site you must right click the window and select "Settings.."
Next click the last icon next to "Close" (Camera source) and from the pull down list select your webcam.
Richard S.