There's no option to Quit/Exit CCleaner, well not one that actually works, anyway. There's no option in the menu bar drop down list on the toolbar and even though there's one when running the app (not in the app I might add, which would be the user friendly place to have that option, you have to go to the app menu for that), that doesn't work either. Yes, it closes the app, but the icon remains in the menu bar, as (therefore unsurprisingly) does an entry in the Activity Monitor. If I choose in settings to not have the menu bar icon, the app still doesn't quit and if you Force Quit it within Activity Monitor, it immediately restarts, even if you Force Quit the parent service. It's using up resources and I cannot stop it doing so. It's basically behaving like a virus, or malware, which is presumably not a venn diagram you'd want to be associated with, given what your program is supposed to do? Quit should mean quit, or at the very least give the user the option to actually quit/or run in the background. Some people may not want control of their computer, but I absolutely do, so I've had no option but to uninstall. Strange design decisions.
This Menu Bar icon is present and remains running even when the main program is not in order to allow access to the System Monitor function, as well as allowing the software to perform certain background tasks (checking for updates, providing notifications when cleaning would be advised, and so on).
I understand your concern, though, and I've provided your feedback to our development team for further consideration.
I am running into the same issue, but I can't even uninstall the stupid program. Every time I try, I get told I cannot uninstall it because it is open. Yet every time I force it to quite it relaunches immediately. This is beyond annoying, now it's a violation of the contractual agreement of the EULA that explicitly states the end user is free to uninstall at any time, except that is no longer true! How am I to uninstall if the application won't quit long enough to let me uninstall it?
Can you uninstall if you turn off internet access first?
1 hour ago, Coe said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> Every time I try <em>[to uninstall]</em>, I get told I cannot uninstall it because it is open </p> </div>
It is certainly not ideal, if one wants to uninstall, the uninstaller should take care of terminating the program if it's still running.
EDIT: Nevermind... I though you were talking about Windows, Mac is different.