Unable to contact Ccleaner

I wonder if anyone can offer me some help. I am trying to contact Ccleaner about a problem with the expiry date of my renewal. I twice tried to send an email to support@ccleaner.com. On both occasions a received an Address Not Found notice with the content "The account <my email address> is disabled". My email address contains my correct email address. How can I contact Ccleaner to ask my original question and to point out this problem of cotacting them.

I'd start with checking with your ISP or other mail provider just to make sure there isn't something funky going on with the email address after all (since you say it's specifically reporting your email address, not support@ccleaner.com, which would suggest a typo with that address or something like that). Hopefully not, but just to be on the safe side. :)

Also, just to double-check, there aren't any typos in the email being reported back in that notice?

In any event, while emailing to support@ccleaner.com should certainly work, you can also visit: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new to file a ticket that way as well. We'll be happy to help out further once we hear from you!

Hello John. Thank you for quick reply.

The addressess are both correct. My ISP and email provider is btinternet.com. The error message came from Googlemail.com. So presumably it happened somewhere between my server and Ccleaner.Com. I have been told the sometimes if a server sees a great deal of spam from another it will block all mail from that server for a while, Maybe this is what is happening. I shall try again later tonight, and if that fails I shall try once more tomorrow morning.

If I still have no luck I shall try the alternative contact route that you have given me. Thanks for that.

I managed to send my email from another email address. It got through, and my problem is now solved. BUT I still have the other problem that I can't get emails through to support@ccleaner.com from my btinternet.com email address. They are being rejected by mailer-daemon@googlemail.com. The message says "You message wasn't delivered to support@ccleaner.com because the address couldn't be found or is unable to receive mail." Below that is says "The account <my name>@btinternet.com is disabled."

I am able to send messages to other email addresses from my btinternet.com address, and I am able to send messsages to ccleaner.com from another email non-binternet address. So it looks as though the message is being rejected at some point en-route from my btinternet.com server to you. BT were not able to detect any problem. I have no idea how to contact Googlemail to see if they can help.

I'm glad you were able to get in touch with support from the other email address, at least.

Unfortunately, I don't believe you can contact GMail support - if there is a method, I'm not aware of it (this is, admittedly, entirely possible :)). My understanding, though, is that Google doesn't provide support to end users, only businesses and such that use their GSuite products.

That is truly curious, though. If you've got any friends that use GMail, for instance, you might try emailing them from that same address and see if the problem persists? (If it is on GMail's side, then you'd think that it should apply regardless of which email address you're writing to.)


I see you are trying hard to get this solved


Please posts back if you do... good luck :)

There was a typo in my previous email. Where I said "I am able to send messages to other email ..." it should have said "gmail" rather than "email". So yes, I have tried other gmail addresses, and there is no problem getting through to them. The problem does still exist when I send to support@ccleaner.com. I try sending a test message every day or so to see if the problem is still there.

Do ccleaner have their own email server as the address is not itself a gmail or googlemail address? If so, then that is probably where the block is happening. That would fit in with the wording of the reject message,

Perhaps if @johnccleaner could sent YOU an email from support*at* ccleaner.com to the email address with the problem and see if you can get it.

I have just successfully sent you an email from a different btinternet.com address. So the problem seems to be only with my normal email address and only when sending to you. It really looks very much like your system is specifically blocking my address. Is it possible that when I renewed my contract with you last week, your system decided to block my email address? (Maybe it mistakenly thought that I had left). Would it be possible for your postmaster to see if there is a block set in your server?

Apologies for the delay, always being pulled in a dozen directions at once. :)

I've sent a test message as Hazelnut suggested (excellent suggestion!), so you should, with any luck, receive that shortly.

I don't believe there's a block on your account on our side, as I had to make an entry for your email address in our support system in order to send out the test message.

Thank you John.

I have received that message, so traffic is coming this way ok. Would the fact that my email address was not in your support system have caused my original message to be rejected? (No. I have just tried again, and it is still being rejected).

Does your email server have some sort of list of blocked addresses that my address could have got added to automatically for some reason without anyone knowing about it?

On 26/01/2021 at 21:02, JohnDeutsch said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Would the fact that my email address was not in your support system have caused my original message to be rejected?

Confirming that wouldn't be it. If an email address matches a customer with an active paid subscription the ticket goes into the priority queue; if it matches someone who purchased the Premium Technical Support plan it goes right to the front of the queue for immediate handling by the 24x7 team; and if it doesn't match a known customer a ticket is still raised (and an automatic response sent) but in the lower priority queue.*

On 26/01/2021 at 21:02, JohnDeutsch said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Does your email server have some sort of list of blocked addresses

We have a number of blacklisted addresses, content patterns, and a couple of domains responsible for some rogue behaviour - but these are not bounced, but rather go into a spam bucket that gets swept a couple of times a week looking for customers who may have triggered a false positive (eg: by having a few too many affiliate links in their email signature).

Update: I did see a response from you (with your ISP email address) to @johnccleaner's test email arrive about 6 minutes after you posted your message above. Did you manage to jiggle something at your end to get things working?

* Not directly relevant to this case, but for the benefit of future readers, note that customer support is one of the paid features of CCleaner Professional for customers with an active paid subscription and comes in two tiers: the standard 12x5 priority email support that comes with CCleaner Professional and CCleaner Professional Plus, and the 24x7x365 live support that comes with CCleaner Professional Premium (also sold as CCleaner Professional Plus with Premium Technical Support). The "lower priority queue" mention above for non-paying users is regularly monitored for bug reports and other feedback, but personal responses are not guaranteed as service levels for paying customers are always prioritised - free users (and former paid users whose subscription has expired) who have questions that may be of general interest are encouraged to raise them in this community forum instead.