UK daylight savings

Try as I can I cannot get the board to add my hour on to the time.

I have daylight saving option ticked in 'board settings,' have tried unticking it, applying it, unticking the other option, reloading forum. etc etc.

Any other uk people who put their clocks forward 1 hour this weekend having the same issue?

I hadn't bothered changing it but I've just done it manually by setting GMT+1. DST happens to be checked but obviously didn't make any difference!

Didn't work for me, too. I manually set GMT + 2 (since I'm from Switzerland and here the "normal" time is GMT + 1), and it works.

Maybe someone could report that bug to Invision Power Services ?

We have that silly daylight savings over here in the U.S. too, I never change my board settings for it though as it's just one more d@mn clock to set.

We have that silly daylight savings over here in the U.S. too, I never change my board settings for it though as it's just one more d@mn clock to set.

That's what my wife does on our oven clock with the cracked button, just drives me nuts for a few months.

BUT it's OK now. :huh: