UK 0870 type numbers.

UK residents, sick of calling 0870 phone numbers, which do not count as free calls in any inclusive minutes that you might have on your landline or mobile, thus, bumping up your phone bill.

I know it frustrates me, as most calls that I have to make to the bigger companies, are at times when my only option is to use my mobile, god knows what I end up getting charged, I never actually check.

Anyway, there is now another option, find an alternative phone number on the following website, log that into your mobile or keep it handy by your landline and always use it in future.

I have used this site myself CaPMan, it works with some numbers but not all. The last one I rang gave me the 0870 number to ring after saying they couldn't handle my query on the free number!! Perhaps some of them are getting wise to it.

Yeah, you probably talk to the same people regardless of what number you phone, it's just another way of making more money out of us.

Don't know whether it's true or not, but i'm sure in America a lot of phone calls are free anyway.