What and interesting blizzard it is. The house sounds like it's being constantly sandblasted and the snow drifts -- well I'm gonna need a bigger shovel.
We had some pretty bad snow in the UK too, I sometimes wonder if "Global Warming" really does exist or just political bs because I think it's been getting colder not warmer here lately.
As for Australia Cyclone Yasi looks pretty nasty - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12342031
Richard S.
I sometimes wonder if "Global Warming" really does exist or just political bs because I think it's been getting colder not warmer here lately.
I personally think it's total bs because on a planetary scale we're insignificant and might as well be microbes. No matter what we do once all humans are extinct the planet will erase our traces.
I'm still spraying the CFC's, but it ain't getting any warmer here.
I personally think it's total bs because on a planetary scale we're insignificant and might as well be microbes. No matter what we do once all humans are extinct the planet will erase our traces.
Looks like you got the snow, and I got some of the ice, although it was a bit worse a little north of me. Power tried to go out a few times, but stayed on. Today's winds are strong.
According to Mr. Gore, all this cold and snow are being caused by global warming. http://blog.algore.com/2011/02/an_answer_for_bill.html I have my doubts. But, what is unfortunate is that it has become politically incorrect to have healthy debate about global warming assertions. Either believe in it, or be labeled as being backwards, anti-environment, etc.
I believe all this snow may be a result of global warming. Why? Simply put: As temperature rises throughout the world, more water will evaporate and turn into water vapor. Then, when this water vapor reaches land, it forms even bigger storms than usual, combining with what's already there.
And yes, I've been getting feet of snow in MA too.
I feel sorry for all parts of the globe that are having weather problems that put peoples life at risk.
Take care everyone.
As temperature rises throughout the world, more water will evaporate and turn into water vapor.
If we were to go into another ice age or worse Snowball Earth the result would be the Atlantic Ocean flow getting mucked up. Of course global warming enthusiasts claim that also because of the melting arctics, however it's also a natural course of things, then there's the Earth's path around the sun which over time can increase by 3 million or so miles and cause very long ice age and snowball Earth.
If we were to go into another ice age or worse Snowball Earth the result would be the Atlantic Ocean flow getting mucked up. Of course global warming enthusiasts claim that also because of the melting arctics, however it's also a natural course of things, then there's the Earth's path around the sun which over time can increase by 3 million or so miles and cause very long ice age and snowball Earth.
What people have to realize is that global warming isn't just something that suddenly occurs in a day or two and causes huge noticeable effects instantly. It gradually occurs over the years, and though Earth's natural climatic shifts still occur, the gradual temperature increase will increase the temperature of the lowest of the climatic shifts ever so slightly as time passes and we still continue to pollute the world.
I feel sorry for all parts of the globe that are having weather problems that put peoples life at risk.Take care everyone.
Thanks hazelnut. For the most part, if we use common sense, we should be just fine.
I live in the US midwest and I remember back in the 70's we had a string of brutal winters. The actual air temperature where I live dropped to minus 20 degrees and lower on multiple occasions and we had major snowstorms and blizzards. Spring time during those years brought us some rather violent weather. Came perilously close one April day in 1974 to an F5 tornado. Then the 80's and 90's were relatively calmer. Now we're back to colder winters and stormier springs.
I'm not smart enough to say with absolute certainty why the weather behaves the way it does. But, if I had to lean in any direction, it would favor the notion that the biggest influence on weather isn't man-made stuff, but rather because it tends to be naturally cyclical.
I totally agree that we should do better not to put so much rubbish into the atmosphere however there are other naturally occurring events such as volcanoes that do far worse.
Another fact worth mentioning is the sun, it provides light during the day and responsible for the warming up of the planet.
The sun's solar intensity isn't fixed either, it cycles every 10 - 11 years and when it's at it's lowest the planet cools down as has happened in previous ice ages.
So as far as I'm concerned climate change scientists can say what they like the bottom line is we're all at the mercy of the sun not of manmade pollution or the wrath of God.
Richard S.
"Fossil fuel use, agriculture, and land-use change are fundamentally affecting the systems on our planet," Achim Steiner, executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme, said at a press briefing in Paris, France.
Global Warming "Very Likely" Caused by Humans, World Climate Experts Say.In 2001 the panel concluded humans were "likely," or with 66 percent probability, the cause of global warming.
All very suggestive comments it's just a pity there's no actual hard facts to back up the claims and I'm not in the slightest convinced.
One thing is for sure if you going to do proper impartial scientific research you need to get your data and facts right first which clear isn't the case as the following pages would show:
I guess only time will tell if we are ultimately doomed with another ice age or more frequent hot summers.
Richard S.
All very suggestive comments it's just a pity there's no actual hard facts to back up the claims and I'm not in the slightest convinced.
One thing is for sure if you going to do proper impartial scientific research you need to get your data and facts right first which clear isn't the case as the following pages would show:
I guess only time will tell if we are ultimately doomed with another ice age or more frequent hot summers.
Richard S.
I'm confused as to what you are trying to prove. Your quote seems to suggest that you are saying global warming isn't caused by humans, and your links seem to suggest that global warming doesn't exist at all (the second link makes some rather extravagant claims which then it debunks; I wonder if the website purposely came up with those questions)?
Now, here are some links from my research:
With the quote in my previous post: I'm not trying to say that global warming is entirely the fault of humans, I'm just saying that humans have contributed to it. As to the next ice age issue; global warming will probably stop in a few hundred years, and the next ice age is supposed to come in a few thousand years.
Please everybody, you're giving me a headache. I'm holed up in this cold. Can't even get out for staples due to the ice and the Mrs. just busted her "arse" trying to take the trash out. Anybody like me knows all this weather stuff is a Pinko Communist Plot. Now if you will excuse me I'm going to finish watching "The Manchurian Candidate." I'm just kidding all of you. Take care my dear friends.
I'm holed up in this cold.
Same here, they haven't cleared streets around my neighbourhood yet and the alleyway is far worse. We got our sidewalks around the house cleared today, and it took all day, therefore the a**clowns in charge can't fine us for not having clear pathways. Now if they'd only do our street, maybe I'll fine them for that.
Chicago's Lake Shore Drive. It looks horrible. I feel for you people.
Chicago's Lake Shore Drive. It looks horrible. I feel for you people.
I've stayed on Lake Shore Drive, nice place in late spring, summer, fall.
We've been really lucky in our area of NE Ohio, kind of missed all the real bad stuff.
And good luck to our Aussie friends, they've had a tough go of it down under.
Chicago's Lake Shore Drive. It looks horrible. I feel for you people.
Yeah and when they tow them they'll probably be making at least $200 per vehicle, tow bill + impound bill. Sticking it to the people!
Down the street from my house someone abandoned their vehicle in the middle of the street when it got stuck. A bunch of us moved it off the road, so it will save that person a bunch of money, and allow the street to be cleared.
Hmmm... seems like the Day After Tomorrow. Everything's coming full circle.