Two New Spam

Be on the lookout for these two new spam which have zipped attachments and contain malware.

Delta Airlines Attachment : Virus Total

Your credit card has been charged for $693.45.

We would like to remind you that whenever you order tickets on our website you get a discount of 10%!

Attached to this message is the purchase Invoice and the airplane ticket.

To use your ticket, simply print it on a color printed, and you are set to take off for the journey!

Kind regards,

Delta Air Lines

Flora Gabriel Attachment : Virus Total

Please find attached a statement of fees as requested, this will be

posted today.

The accommodation is dealt with by another section and I have passed

your request on to them today.

Kind regards.


Be on the lookout for these two new spam which have zipped attachments and contain malware.

Delta Airlines Attachment : Virus Total

Flora Gabriel Attachment : Virus Total

WOW !!! Slightly infected, huh ?

Are these spam one's that you received personally or are these common on the net right now going to many people ?

Do they send these to many or just those that have dealings withe Delta Airlines ?

We all have family and friends that use Delta frequently.

:) davey

Received them myself this morning.

I usually delete most spam at the servers end but if they have an attachment then I bring them through to check them out.

Received them myself this morning.

I usually delete most spam at the servers end but if they have an attachment then I bring them through to check them out.

You sly devil, you!

Thanks a lot for the warning, Humpty.

Do you know yet if they are sending these to actual customers or just anybody ?

:) davey

These spammers are probably using the dictionary attack method where anybody can get one.

Luckily most AV's have the siggy's of the attachments in their data bases, or if not they will soon enough, hopefully.

Dictionary Spam Attack:

(2) An e-mail spamming technique in which the spammer sends out thousands or millions of e-mails with randomly generated addresses using combinations of letters added to known domain names in the hopes of reaching a percentage of actual e-mail addresses. For example, a dictionary attack list might begin with,,, and so on until all possible combinations of letters and numbers has been exhausted..


This looks like the work of the antivirus2008 gang that Mikko Hypp?nen discusses in the video:

Batman (1968) - "This looks like the work of the antivirus2008 gang..."

Robin - "Holy Next Millennium!"

Batman - "Steady...Robin...old...chum..."