I know that many users are far more advanced but here's two suggestions for the CC that would be extremely helpful in my opionion. First, the product is fantastic and very safe so you don't have to wory about messing your system up, and I am a big fan.
Anyway Item one. Is there a way to record what is added to the registry and startup item list when you install a new program? So many time I want to test something, then find out it wrote code all over the place. when you uninstall, it leaves themess behind, which can thoughoughly be removed using CCleaner or if required, Regedit and it's search features. Problem with Regedit is sometimes it rfinds shared files that onec removed disable other programs ou want to use.
Part two of this would be report of the start up list, including the Startup in the "Programs" list, before and after an installation. Still have companies that sneak a staart up command to your directory of programs list, like add on features of Quick Books, etc, which end up having you rmachine contantly hittting the internet for upgrades. Adobe esecially irritats me with thier add on ARM! Slow the machine down then keeps it slow until you load it. You can go to thier site and download the update in less than aminute if they wold just let you know there is an update, instead of sneking it on to your PC!
Second, Item Two. The addition of being able to disable a startup command was brilliant. I would also like to be able to click on each start up line and enter it to an internet seachengine to find out what it is, what it does and if it is safe. I've seen this on other programs and currently save the current registry as a test line then go to each line and paste it to my Google or other search to try to track down what that Start up item does. Lots of sites can tell you what it is and how to look for viral names that are not safe programs. This would be a big help, especially if you cleaning up your childrens PC, where they have added a gazillion programs!
Thanks, and keep up the great work!